Letter to the Editor
Emergency department falls interventions improve osteoporosis management in frail older adults
Dear Editor,
Singapore’s population is ageing rapidly and by 2030, around 1 in 4 citizens will be aged 65 and above.1 Older adults represent 21–40% of emergency department (ED) users and proportionally are the highest users of ED services.2
One-third of community dwellers over 65 years of age fall each year,...
Original Article
Day Hospital Rehabilitation for the Elderly: A Retrospective Study
Alexandra Hospital is the first hospital in Singapore with a Day Hospital for the elderly. One of the main functions of the Day Hospital is to rehabilitate the disabled elderly.
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Management Training in Critical Care Medicine
Critical care medicine as a specialty has grown rapidly, both clinically and academically, over the past 25 years. In the USA, certification of competence has been awarded to graduates of the critical care medicine fellowship programmes since 1987.
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Urinary Retention in Hospitalised Older Women
Voiding dysfunction is a relatively common problem in hospitalised older patients. Up to one-third of hospitalised elderly were reported to have post-void residual urine volume (PRUV) of more than 50 mL.
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Outcome of Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Amongst the Elderly in Singapore
Trauma remains the fifth most common cause of death in Singapore; it contributed 6.7% of mortality in 2001. Head injury contributes to a significant proportion of patients who die from trauma.
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Dental Education in Singapore – From the Past to the Future
The training of dental students has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a modest, 5-room “Temporary Dental Department” within the King Edward (KE) VII College of Medicine to its present standing as a premier dental school in the region with state-of-the-art training facilities. It shares an...
One Hundred Years of Physiology Education in Singapore
Physiology is the study of normal function in the body and how genes, proteins, organ systems interact to maintain health. It provides a foundation for the health sciences profession and life science research. Physiology education in Singapore dates back to 3 July 1905, when the Federated Malay States Government...
Original Article
A Survey of Local Preclinical and Clinical Medical Students’ Attitudes towards Radiology
Radiology is not a popular specialty for undergraduate student electives or postgraduate training amongst students from a local undergraduate medical school which is based in Southeast Asia. During the last 2 years (2007 & 2008), none of our elective students came from the local undergraduate medical school. During the...
Original Article
Can Preoperative Scoring Systems be Applied to Asian Hip Fracture Populations? Validation of the Nottingham Hip Fracture Score (NHFS) and Identification of Preoperative Risk Factors in Hip Fractures
Osteoporotic hip fractures are common and have significant consequences on mortality and functional capability which indirectly has familial, social and economic repercussions. The inpatient mortality rates approach 4% to 12%, while 1-year mortality is between 12% to 37%.2, Studies from Denmark, Italy, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United...
Competency-based Radiology Residency: A Survey of Expectations from Singapore’s Perspective
Postgraduate medical education in Singapore is currently in a state of transition from a British “apprenticeship” model, to an American-styled residency programme accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-International (ACGME-I). This is in response to the healthcare demands of an ageing and increasing population, where it is...