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Acoustic Neuroma: Outcome of Surgical Resection and Study on the Anatomy of Facial and Cochlear Nerves

Acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) patients have greatly benefited from technical advances in neurosurgery. In fact, the evolution of acoustic neuroma surgery is a microcosm of the development of neurosurgery overall. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Paediatric Orthopaedics in Singapore

The name “Orthopaedic Surgery” is derived from the words “orthos” (meaning straight or to straighten) and “paido” (meaning child). Thus, it is not unexpected that paediatric orthopaedics was the first discipline within Orthopaedics to develop as a subspecialty. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download...

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One Hundred Years of Orthopaedic Education in Singapore

In looking at the history of orthopaedic education in Singapore, one must place our local setting in the worldwide perspective. Officially, the academic Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in Singapore (in what was then the University of Malaya, now the National University of Singapore) was only set up in 1952,...

The Evolution of Teaching and Learning Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at NUS

The Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School was founded in 1905. Dr Chen Su Lan, 1 of the 7 graduates in the first class to qualify in March 1910, reminisced in 1965 on his training experiences: “Among the ‘killer’ diseases were malaria (there were 20 deaths a...

One Hundred Years of Physiology Education in Singapore

Physiology is the study of normal function in the body and how genes, proteins, organ systems interact to maintain health. It provides a foundation for the health sciences profession and life science research. Physiology education in Singapore dates back to 3 July 1905, when the Federated Malay States Government...

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Vertigo has been said to be the greatest “heartsink” symptom in medicine. That certainly is a possibility but every specialty has its similar conditions, and vertigo is no worse than low back ache or nocturnal cramps. However, the main reason for this problem is not the symptom but the...

Twentieth Century Influenza Pandemics in Singapore

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Translating the Family Medicine Vision into Educational Programmes in Singapore

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A Brief History of the Chapter of Psychiatrists

The Inaugural Meeting of the Chapter of Psychiatrists and Chapter of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine, was held on 5 December 1986 at King’s Hotel.1,2 At that time the Academy already had 7 Chapters in her fold. The Chairman, Dr Lawrence Chan (then Master of the Academy of Medicine) remarked...

A Brief History of Pathology and the Chapter of Pathologists

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A Brief History of the Chapter of Dental Surgeons

The idea of having an Academy of Medicine in Singapore was first proposed by some 20 medical specialists on 19 July 1957 and was named then as “Academy of Physicians & Surgeons”. It was officially formed by 34 founding members (comprising Dental Surgeons, Physicians and Surgeons) and was renamed...

From the Chapter of Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore to the College of Physicians, Singapore

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Clinical Aspects and Management of Fibromyalgia Syndrome

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200 years of surgery at the General Hospital, Singapore

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24th Seah Cheng Siang Lecture: Seeing Better, Doing Better—Evolution and Application of Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy

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