A Case Report—Delayed Vesicocutaneous Fistula After Radiation Therapy for Advanced Vulvar Cancer
To our knowledge this is the first reported case of an isolated vesicocutaneous fistula related to previous radiation therapy for recurrent vulvar cancer.
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Original Article
Radiotherapy as Local Adjuvant Treatment for Endometrial Carcinoma—A Review of 45 Patients
Radiotherapy as an adjunct to surgery has long been used in the management of endometrial carcinoma with the intent to improve local tumour control as well as to achieve excellent survival rates. Over the years, however, the specific role and relative benefit of postoperative radiotherapy for this particular cancer...
Original Article
A Review of Patients with High-risk Carcinoma of the Cervix Treated with Combined Surgery and Postoperative Radiotherapy
It is generally accepted that early stage invasive carcinoma of the cervix, stage I to stage IIA disease, can be treated with equal effectiveness with either radical hysterectomy or radical radiotherapy. However a proportion of patients treated with surgery may be classified as having a significant risk of relapse...
Original Article
Orbital Lymphoma: Results of Radiation Therapy
Orbital lymphoma is a rare presentation of extranodal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, accounting for less than 1% of the total. The role of radiotherapy in its management is well-established.
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Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumour of the Chest Wall—A Report of Two Cases and Review of Literature
Tumours of the chest wall are uncommon and are usually sarcomatous in nature. Primitive neuroectodermal tumours (PNETs) are rare and are thought to arise from neuroepithelial cells, possibly derived from the peripheral intercostal nerves. They could also arise from the neural crest cells, which have migrated alongside the peripheral...
188Rhenium-TDD-Lipiodol in Treatment of Inoperable Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma—A Case Report
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most malignant tumours. The lack of an effective treatment modality has stimulated the use of selective internal radiation therapy for the treatment of HCC.
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Original Article
Preliminary Experience in Radionuclide Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Hepatic Intra-arterial Radio-conjugates
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignancy worldwide. In Singapore, the age-standardised incidence rate is 18.9 per 100,000 per year.
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Original Article
Tailoring the Field and Indication of Adjuvant Pelvic Radiation for Patients with FIGO Stage Ib Lymph Nodes-Negative Cervical Carcinoma Following Radical Surgery Based on the GOG Score – A Pilot Study
Although no significant survival difference exists between primary surgery and radiotherapy (RT) for the treatment of FIGO stage Ib cervical cancer, radical surgery is the preferred modality of treatment as conservation of the ovarian and vaginal function is of prime importance. It also allows the study of prognostic histopathological...
Review Article
New Concepts in the Management of Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas
Optic nerve sheath meningiomas (ONSMs) account for one-third of primary optic nerve tumours, are the second most common optic nerve tumours after gliomas, and are the most common tumours of the optic nerve sheath. Although ONSMs are said to comprise 1% to 2% of all meningiomas, their reported incidence...
Review Article
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Radiation-induced Optic Neuropathy
Radiation optic neuropathy (RON) is an infrequent but usually devastating consequence of radiation to the optic pathways. It is almost exclusively an iatrogenic phenomenon, occurring in patients who have undergone radiation therapy for tumours and other lesions in sites near the visual apparatus, such as the choroid, orbit, paranasal...
Brachytherapy – One Man’s Meat, A Personal Journey in Radiation Oncology
Dr Tan Kim Ping, Chairman for the Dr FY Khoo Memorial Lecture, Ladies and Gentlemen – It is a signal honour for me to deliver this Lecture, the second since the Inaugural Lecture last year. Sadly, it has been renamed a Memorial Lecture, as Dr FY Khoo passed away...
Managing Breast Cancer Diagnosed in First Trimester Pregnancy: A Case Report
Cancer complicates approximately 1 per 1000 pregnancies and accounts for one third of maternal deaths during gestation.1,2 The reproductive system is affected by malignant growth more frequently than any other systems during pregnancy. Pregnancy-associated breast cancer is defined as breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy, lactation or 1-year postpartum. The...
Original Article
Improvements in Quality of Care Resulting From a Formal Multidisciplinary Tumour Clinic in the Management of High-grade Glioma
Multidisciplinary care has now been established as the optimal management principle for the majority of malignancies.1,2 However, the model of multidisciplinary care, specifically the role of a formal multidisciplinary tumour clinic (MTC), remains unestablished outside of breast cancer care.2 There is minimal evidence to quantitatively assess the potential benefits...
Original Article
Optimising Radiation Therapy Techniques for Tumours of the Central Nervous System
Tumours of the central nervous system (CNS) are a diverse group of pathologies with varying natural histories and outcomes. The presence of adjacent sensitive neural structures limits the role of surgery to achieve complete tumour excision; similarly, the blood-brain barrier restricts the penetration and activity of many systemic chemotherapy...
Original Article
Functional Outcomes of Cancer Patients in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting
Cancer is the leading cause of death and the second most common cause of hospitalisation in Singapore. Cancer rehabilitation aims to help the patient achieve maximum physical, social, psychological and vocational function within limits imposed by cancer and its therapy through a multi-disciplinary approach.
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12th Yahya Cohen Memorial Lecture – The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Radiation-induced Sensori-neural Hearing Loss
Radiation-induced sensori-neural hearing loss (SNHL) has long been recognised as a complication of radiotherapy (RT) for head and neck tumours, if the auditory pathways had been included in the radiation fields. In Singapore, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is common and the prevalence of SNHL after radiotherapy for NPC has been...
Too Much Medicine: Time to Stop Indiscriminate Cancer Screening
Like most industrialised countries in the world, cancer has now become the leading cause of mortality in Singapore. Approximately 1 in 3 deaths in Singapore today is as a result of cancer. It is therefore unsurprising that cancer screening has become an integral part of health screening in primary...