Original Article
Retinopathy of Prematurity in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), which could lead to visual impairment and blindness, is a recognised serious morbidity amongst surviving premature infants. The inverse relationship between the risk of this disease with birth weight and gestational age had been well-documented, in particular, in infants with birth weight ≤1500 g (very...
Review Article
Nipah Encephalitis Outbreak in Malaysia
From September 1998 to June 1999, there was an outbreak of viral encephalitis in several pig farming villages in Malaysia. The outbreak, which started in Ulu Piah, Tambun and Ampang near Ipoh in the state of Perak, later involved Sikamat, Sungai Nipah, Kampong Sawah and Bukit Pelanduk areas in...
5th College of Physicians Lecture – A Physician’s Odyssey: Recollections and Reflections
Allow me to thank you Mr President and your Council for asking me to deliver the 5th College of Physicians Lecture. Your President has suggested that with over 50 years of association with Medicine, the title be “In the Service of the Medical Profession”.
This article is available only as...
The Medical Alumni Story
The story of our Alumni Association properly begins with the now historic foundation of its medical school in 1905. The story of this first medical school, then known as the Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School and its successor institutions, is also the story of the establishment...
Original Article
Adverse Hospital Outcomes Associated With the Choice of Empiric Antibiotics in Klebsiella pneumoniae Pneumonia: A Retrospective Observational Study
Klebsiella pneumoniae ranks high as a cause of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in hospitalised patients in Malaysia.1-3 This appears unique, as most reports from other countries including Thailand4 do not always share this finding. Studies from Singapore have shown that K. pneumoniae is important in severe CAP requiring hospitalisation,5 not...
Impact of Various Continuing Medical Education Activities on Clinical Practice – A Survey of Malaysian Doctors on its Perceived Importance
Continuing medical education (CME) plays an indispensable role in the clinical practice of any doctor. The practice of evidence-based medicine today,1 or any meaningful learning per se, requires at least appropriate access to relevant updated medical information. However, the acquisition of such relevant medical knowledge can prove difficult and...
Original Article
Violence-Related Behaviours among Malaysian Adolescents: A Cross Sectional Survey among Secondary School Students in Negeri Sembilan
Adolescent violence is a serious social issue globally. Adolescent violence is also making its presence felt in Malaysia, as evidenced by newspaper reports. Violence can be defined in many ways and is a subset of aggressive behaviour. Some have suggested that aggression in childhood leads to violence in adolescent...
Original Article
Clinical Features of Allergic Rhinitis and Skin Prick Test Analysis Based on the ARIA Classification: A Preliminary Study in Malaysia
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common disease worldwide and is known to cause serious implications to the physical and mental health status of the individual sufferer. It also impacts significantly on healthcare expenditure. For instance, the direct costs of allergic rhinitis in the United States (US) alone were approximately...
Original Article
TT Genotype of the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Polymorphism is an Important Determinant for Homocysteine Levels in Multi-Ethnic Malaysian Ischaemic Stroke Patients
Stroke is the major cause of adult disability in developing countries. Traditional risk factors contribute up to 69% of the total risk of ischaemic stroke. There is a substantial body of knowledge to suggest that there are novel risk factors which may confer additional risks. Hyperhomocysteinaemia (hyperHcy) has been...
Letter to the Editor
Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in Malaysian infants
Vitamin D deficiency, a worldwide health problem, is also prevalent in tropical countries. It is estimated that 15% of the world’s population are either vitamin D deficient or insufficient. In a study on the state of Kelantan in Malaysia (2010–2012), 60% of pregnant women were vitamin D deficient. Maternal...