Letter to the Editor
VOWELS: A communication framework for disclosing medical errors in medical oncology and palliative care
Dear Editor,
Recognising the impact of medical errors on patients and the doctor-patient relationship has underscored the need for better communication.1,2 For the most part, these efforts are informed by Chafe et al.’s 6 steps that entail: (1) the identification of the error in a timely fashion; (2) determination of...
Letter to the Editor
HLA-B*5801 testing: Is it time to consider mandatory testing prior to prescribing allopurinol in Singapore?
Dear Editor,
Stevens-Johnsons Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) are severe, life- threatening mucocutaneous reactions that most commonly occur as drug-related reactions.1 In recent years, several risk factors for the develop- ment of SJS/TEN, such as genetic factors, have been identified. Notably, carriers of the HLA-B*5801 and HLA-B*1502 alleles ...
Letter to the Editor
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of doctors on constipation management in Singapore
Dear Editor,
Constipation is a common gastrointestinal disorder, affecting about 15% of the global population and severely impacting patients’ quality of life.1 The global constipation treatment market is estimated to worth USD22.93 billion in 2025. Patients with functional constipation had the highest treatment dissatisfaction at 63.4%. Poor satisfaction was reported...
Value the patient as a person: Answering the call for a person-centred model of care
There has been a change in patients’ attitudes towards healthcare professionals in recent decades, coupled with an increasingly evident shift in the care paradigm. In 2015, the World Health Organization released a framework of care that recommends healthcare professionals consciously consider the perspectives of individuals, carers, families and communities....
Letter to the Editor
Script concordance test to assess diagnostic and management reasoning in acute medicine
Dear Editor,
Clinical reasoning, an essential skill for patient care, can be difficult to assess. We created and validated a script concordance test (SCT) to assess clinical reasoning in acute medicine. This tool was used to provide feedback and targeted remediation for Postgraduate-Year-1 (PGY1) doctors, guide teaching and learning, and...
Letter to the Editor
Child passenger safety training for healthcare professionals in Singapore
Dear Editor,
Road traffic injuries are a preventable cause of childhood morbidity and mortality.1,2 Use of age-appropriate child car seats (CCS) lowers the risk of injury and death by about 82% and 28%, respectively.3-5 In Singapore, although the Road Traffic Act states that CCS use is mandatory,6 many children...
Original Article
Treating acutely ill patients at home: Data from Singapore
Inpatient hospitalisation is the conventional strategy to care for acutely ill patients. However, demand for hospital beds and clinical manpower is escalating as populations age, and hospitals are expensive to build and run.1 There is increasing recognition of the risk of hospitalisation from potent nosocomial infections2,3 (exacerbated by the...
Academic Medicine in Singapore
Academic medicine is currently grappling with the problem of whether the triple-threat academician is a species threatened with extinction in the 21st century, given the extraordinary growth of knowledge during the past decades. Academicians, by this definition, were expected to be original and productive investigators, inspiring teachers and outstanding...
The Sixth SGH Lecture—Singapore: A New Venice of the 21st Century
Venice is one of the legendary cities of the world. Its beauty and physical setting make Venice unique. For almost 800 years, from 1000 AD to 1797, the Venetians were a separate people.
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Review Article
Foregoing Life Support in Medically Futile Patients
The origins of withholding medical support are found in ancient times. More than two millennia ago, Hippocrates (460 to 361 BC) stated that the role of medicine was “to do away with the suffering of the sick, to lessen the violence of their diseases, and to refuse to treat...
Review Article
Nitric Oxide in Septic Shock: Directions for Future Therapy?
In 1980, Furchgott and Zawadzki demonstrated that the relaxation of isolated arteries to acetylcholine required the presence of endothelial cells. This response was mediated by a labile humoral substance termed endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF).
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Review Article
Critical Care Medicine in the Western Pacific Region
The Western Pacific region includes a very diverse group of countries varying in their culture, economic development and per capita income, disease prevalence and medical traditions. The Western Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine (WAPCCM) includes countries from Japan in the north to Australia and New Zealand in the...
Review Article
Critical Care—The Worldwide Perspective
Although special areas for postoperative patients existed 50 years ago, the modern specialty of Critical Care began during the polio epidemic of the 1950s. Prolonged hand ventilation, and positive or negative pressure ventilation, enabled maintenance of oxygenation until some patients developed sufficient recovery or compensatory processes to enable separation...
Original Article
Malaria Requiring Intensive Care
Malaria is an important and common infectious parasitic disease globally. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, especially in endemic areas.
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Original Article
A Retrospective Study of Near-drowning Victims Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit
Drowning victims suffocate from submersion. This may lead to immediate death or, if they survive, brain damage if significant cerebral hypoxia is present.
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Ergotism and Vascular Insufficiency: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Toxicity from ergot and its derivative is well known. Great epidemics occurred during the middle ages due to consumption of rye contaminated with the fungus, Claviceps purpurea, which elaborates the ergot alkaloids.
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Original Article
Plasma Vitamins A, C and E in the General Population of Singapore, 1993 to 1995
The current disease pattern in Singapore (an island state of 3.3 million people composed of 76% Chinese, 14% Malays, 7% Asian Indians and 3% Others) is dominated by non-communicable diseases. There have been increasing trends, though with recent declines, for coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease.
This article is...
Medicine and Surgery—History, Change and Challenge
Mr Koh Yong Guan, guest-of-honour; Dr Tan Ser Kiat, Master, Academy of Medicine; Dr K C Tan, Chairman, Chapter of Surgeons; Dr Robert Jalleh from Malaysia; Dr Idral Darwis from Indonesia; Dr P B Chacha, my esteemed partner; Dr John Isaac, Master of Ceremonies; fellow academicians, practitioners and friends,...
Current Continuing Medical Education Provision in Singapore
It was in 1994 that as an overseas fellow of the College, I received a letter from Dr Peter Toghill, Director of Continuing Medical Education (CME), Royal College of Physicians of London, stating that the three Royal Colleges of Physicians in the UK have agreed to joint recommendation on...
Early 21st Century Professional Practice: Change and Challenge
Today is a day of rejoicing for all of you, graduates, parents, relatives and loved ones. I can share in your joy and also a sense of relief that you have passed the first and for some, the second professional exam in your career.
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9th Seah Cheng Siang Memorial Lecture: Gastric Cancer—Where are we now?
The last two decades have witnessed dramatic changes in the understanding of gastric cancer: a rapid decline in global incidence, its association with Helicobacter pylori gastritis, and the new information regarding its molecular biology. Nevertheless, gastric cancer remains the second commonest cancer in the world in terms of morbidity...
New Treatment and Research Strategies for the Improvement of Care of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients in the New Millennium
I have chosen as the title of my keynote address “New Treatment and Research Strategies for the Improvement of the Care of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients”. The reason for this is that despite the tremendous strides we have made over the past 50 years in the management of...
Review Article
Intravital Microscopy for the Study of the Microcirculation in Various Disease States
It is more than 150 years ago when the first detailed description of intravital microscopy was given by Waller, demonstrating in the frog tongue the passage of leukocytes (at that time interpreted as “mucous and pus globules”) through microvessels. Later, the mesentery was acknowledged as the most suitable object...
Young Investigator’s Award: Induction of Apoptosis Following Traumatic Head Injury in Humans
The outlook for sufferers of severe head trauma is extremely poor. Some 20% of patients died before significant treatment can be administered, and nearly one quarter of patients end in a vegetative state with little potential for further progress.
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8th Seah Cheng Siang Memorial Lecture: New Antithrombotic Agents
The tremendous interest in finding new anti-aggregating agents stems from the preeminent role that platelets play, not only in haemostasis and thrombosis, but also in atherogenesis and, be it less definitive, in arterial spasm. Compelling data from large-scale trials have established the role of platelet inhibitors in reducing coronary...
3rd Yahya Cohen Lecture: The Role of the Myofibroblast-Like Cell in Hepatocellular Carcinoma—Host Defence?
It is indeed a great honour for me to be named the third Yahya Cohen lecturer and I would like to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to the Academy of Medicine Singapore for having selected me for this award. At this lecture, I would like to share with...
9th Chapter of Surgeons’ Lecture: The Orthopaedic Surgeon: Historical Perspective, Ethical Considerations and the Future
The legacy of caring and humanitarianism has been the mission of the medical profession since the founding of Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819. To this small fishing village in the Riau Archipelago on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula came traders and entrepreneurs from China, India...
1998 Distinguished Academician Lecture: Hepatic Resection— A Western Perspective
Although debridement of portions of liver that prolapsed through war wounds was recorded from distant times, attempts at resection of a solid liver tumour were first reported in the latter part of the 19th century. When one considers the enormous challenges faced by surgeons of the time, without the...
1998 Runme Shaw Memorial Lecture: Somatic Evolution of Cancer
The interpretation of cancer as a somatic evolutionary process involving genetic mutation followed by selection, goes back to the early years of this century. Boveri’s hypothesis put forward in 1914 that cancer was associated with abnormalities of the chromosomes and Tyzzer and Strong’s experiments of transplantable tumours in 1916...
14th Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration: Continuity and Change
Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Datuk Dr Yeoh Poh Hong, Dr Chee Yam Cheng, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am deeply honoured to be invited to deliver the 14th Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration, following in the footsteps of previous illustrious speakers. I am particularly honoured that you...
The Future of Medicine from the Standpoint of the Practising Paediatrician
From the time of recorded history of medicine, the doctor whether he be the ancient healer or the modern medical practitioner, the doctor had practised the art and science, on the basis of curing the patient when he has an illness. The doctor is sought out when the patient...
Address by the Master, Academy of Medicine, Singapore at the 2000 Annual Induction Dinner—Learn the Past, Ensure the Future
I am delighted to share this celebratory occasion with you. It is a time for congratulations all round not only to our new Fellows but also to their families and friends. No specialist trains by himself.
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Response by the Representative of Inductees, Academy of Medicine, Singapore at the 2000 Annual Induction Ceremony—A Call to Patient Advocacy
I count myself fortunate to be allowed to join the ranks of the Academy. On behalf of my fellow inductees, may I extend a word of thanks for this honour. Thank you, also, for allowing me the privilege of delivering this Reply.
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Address by the Master, Academy of Medicine, Singapore at the 2000 Annual Induction Ceremony—The EQ & IQ of Specialist Doctors
First, let me warmly welcome you to this pristine auditorium with its well preserved ceiling architectural details. Probably none of the new Fellows is old enough to remember that this was the old Allen and Farris Lecture Theatres of the Faculty of Medicine when it was at Sepoy Lines...
8th SGH Lecture: Genomics, Talent and the Development of the Life Sciences Industry in Singapore
In a few months’ time, one of the most significant advances, possibly the most significant advance ever in the history of biology and medicine, will be achieved with the rolling out of the first draft of the map detailing the entire Human Genome.
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3rd Tan Tock Seng Hospital Oration: The Changing Fabric of Medicine—An Ethical and Social Revolution
The legacy of Tan Tock Seng Hospital began with the founding of the Pauper Hospital in Pearl’s Hill in 1844.
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Management of Growth Arrest with Tissue-engineered Cells
Before I go on to the scientific aspects of my talk, I would like to pay tribute to Dr Yahya Cohen. Dr Cohen was born in Singapore of Jewish parents.
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10th Chapter of Surgeons’ Lecture: The Challenges in Surgery—Past, Present and Future, and in Search of the 4Cs
Firstly may I thank the Academy of Medicine and the Chapter of Surgeons for giving me this great privilege and honour to deliver the final lecture of the century for our series of Chapter of Surgeons lectures to close the 20th century and begin a new dawn in the...
Opening Address by Dr Chee Yam Cheng, Master, Academy of Medicine, Singapore at the 33rd Annual Combined Surgical Meeting on 4 November 1999 at the COMB Auditorium
It is a pleasure to be present with you all at your 33rd Annual Combined Surgical Meeting for 1999 with less than 60 days to go into the new millennium. I applaud your organising committee under Dr Sarbjit Singh for a comprehensive and exciting programme which I trust you...
Funding and Future Diagnosis Related Group Development
Supplement on Casemix Conference Singapore 2001 held on 17-19 August 2001 in Singapore
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Clinical Pathways or Case Management
Supplement on Casemix Conference Singapore 2001 held on 17-19 August 2001 in Singapore
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Getting Clinicians Involved: The Australian Experience
Supplement on Casemix Conference Singapore 2001 held on 17-19 August 2001 in Singapore
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The 4th Tan Tock Seng Hospital Oration: Challenge for the Medical Profession in the 21st Century
I am greatly honoured to speak at the 4th TTSH Oration following such distinguished luminaries like Dr Chew Chin Hin, Dr Chen Ai Ju and Professor N Balachandran. I also wish to thank all of you who are present this evening.
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Book Review
The above is a textbook of medicine written by Singapore doctors and published in Singapore. It is difficult not to be over-enthusiastic about it as there are so few books of medicine written and published in Singapore.
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Alternate Modes of Financing Health Care Technology
Alternative financing of health care delivery is one of the most vexing problems facing medicine today. Intensive care in many ways is a perfect example of the core problems facing policymakers responsible for financing health care.
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2nd Chapter of Paediatricians Lecture: The Future of Paediatrics in Singapore
When I was first invited to give this 2nd Chapter of Paediatricians Lecture by the Chapter, my obvious answer was no. I could think of quite a few other paediatricians more qualified and appropriate as speakers and hoped that my emphatic no would work.
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10th Seah Cheng Siang Memorial Lecture: Going Places—A Rheumatological Odyssey
I am greatly honoured to deliver the 10th Seah Cheng Siang memorial lecture. I came into direct contact with Professor Seah in January 1965 when I joined the then Thomson Road General Hospital as his senior registrar.
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5th Yahya Cohen Lecture: Angiosomes and Extension of Skin Flaps—Anatomic Study and Clinical Implications
I would like to express my gratitude to the Chapter of Surgeons and the Academy of Medicine, Singapore for the honour of presenting this 5th Yahya Cohen Lecture.
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11th Chapter of Surgeons Lecture—The Art of Letting Go
These observations were made by a Persian mathematician some 900 years ago. His sentiments are self-evident but no less easy to accept especially for operating surgeons.
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15th Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration: A Journey of Care—Mission Impossible?
I am deeply honoured by the invitation to deliver the 15th Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration.
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The Runme Shaw Memorial Lecture 2000—Treating VIPs in Washington
My lecture is about people, power, illness, and the patient-physician relationship. It is the personality of the politician or official, the ego elevation conferred by power, the repression of the thought of illness, and the combination of these factors, which leads to subversion of the patient-doctor relationship when a...
12th Chapter of Surgeons Lecture: Shifting Paradigms in the Management of Breast Cancer—A Surgical Perspective
The recorded history of breast cancer management spans four millennia. This story about breast cancer management is also one about change, about resistance to and acceptance of change.
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Gemella Empyema Cured without Antibiotics: A Case Report
Gemella are gram-positive anaerobic bacteria that rarely produce serious human infections. We describe a case of thoracic empyema that occurred in an elderly Chinese male which, to our knowledge, is the first reported case out of Southeast Asia.
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Review Article
The Clinician Meets the Computer—Uneasy Bedfellows
Information technology has become a cornerstone of civilization as we know it. In its broadest definition, information technology encompasses all forms of technology required to create, archive, exchange and manipulate data.
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Review Article
Leveraging on Information Technology to Enhance Patient Care: A Doctor’s Perspective of Implementation in a Singapore Academic Hospital
Information technology (IT) has become truly pervasive in everyday life; however, in the field of medicine, we have yet to fully harness its full potential in the care of our patients. Most restructured hospitals in Singapore have been wired up with fast local area networks (LAN) and desktop personal...
Internal Medicine
It has taken a long time to plan for this November issue in Internal Medicine. The topic is so wide and often neglected as the specialties take prominence.
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5th Tan Tock Seng Hospital Oration: Advances for Life
I am honoured and privileged to have been invited to deliver the 5th Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) Oration at the Opening of your 9th Annual Scientific Meeting. When I was invited, I hesitated for a moment as I have not been in active practice for quite a while,...
6th Yahya Cohen Lecture: Visual Experience During Cataract Surgery
What a patient can see during his or her surgery can be a cause of anxiety for the patient. It may cause additional stress to what for most patients is already a traumatic event.
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History of the Orthopaedic Specialty in Singapore
When the practice of orthopaedic surgery first began in Singapore, it was not a specialty in itself. There are no records as to when the first orthopaedic cases were managed, but it must have been when modern medicine was introduced into Singapore, at the beginning of the twentieth century...
General Medicine—Revisited, Rejuvenated, Revitalised and Reemphasised
“The irresistible swing towards medical specialisation has brought advantages for patients but arguably this has gone too far.” It is time to review the role of general medicine and general physicians in Singapore; with its own unique system of healthcare where patients can see any specialist and subspecialists without...
A Countrywide Approach to the Control of Non-communicable Diseases—The Singapore Experience
In the area of health, the last two decades has seen a decline or eradication of deadly diseases, such as smallpox and polio, the introduction of the fatal disease, such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and a marked rise in chronic diseases, making them the leading worldwide public health...
Causes for the Evolution of Case Management and the Development of a Working Model in an Acute Care Hospital in Singapore
In 1999, significant changes to the healthcare funding structure were introduced to public sector hospitals in Singapore. This was the advent of casemix-based funding for acute inpatient and day surgery episodes.
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Evidence-based Medicine: The Key to Guidelines, Disease and Care Management Programmes
Health care in America and the rest of the industrialised world continues to reinvent itself at an ever-accelerating rate. The societal pressures for high quality, high value care that produces measurable improvement in quality processes and outcomes is increasing from the government and private sectors.
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National Disease Management Plans for Key Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Singapore
Like most other newly industrialised economies, Singapore has undergone a rapid epidemiological transition over the last 50 years. Chronic, non-communicable diseases have replaced infectious diseases as the dominant public health problems in Singapore today.
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Chronic Disease Management: Challenges for Clinicians and the Way Forward
The healthcare, financial and social burden of chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, asthma, chronic obstructive airway disease, hypertension, chronic depression, osteoporosis, end stage renal failure and stroke, are steadily on the rise. In the US alone, some 125 million people now suffer from at least...
Original Article
Measuring Health-related Quality of Life in Singapore: Normal Values for the English and Chinese SF-36 Health Survey
Advances in diagnosis and therapy in the second half of the 20th century have lead to impressive improvements in survival for patients with many chronic illnesses. With improvements in survival, patients’ perceptions of health are increasingly being recognised as an important outcome in clinical medicine, especially in illnesses where...
Should Ethical Issues in Biotechnology Research be Decided by Physicians-Scientists or by Lawyers?
As with clinical practice, the practice of biomedical research is a moral activity. We have to think about what we should do, not just about what we can do, to modify life.
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Is Healthcare Competition Healthy?
There are many problems which all Health Ministers worry about. But we can generally boil them down to one common problem: “money no enough”.
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Neonatology In Singapore: The Way We Were, The Way Forward
Over a span of 35 years of my working life, I have witnessed the growth of, and also grown together with, neonatology in Singapore. As I look at the present-day status of neonatology, it gives me a sense of achievement and accomplishment.
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Significance of the Lateral Epiphysis of the Acetabulum to Hip Joint Stability
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) remains one of the most difficult disorders to understand and treat in Paediatric Orthopaedics. The aetiology have not been clearly understood and therefore the management remains controversial.
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Craniofacial Anomalies: Clinical and Molecular Perspectives
Cleidocranial dysplasia is an autosomal dominant skeletal disorder characterized by short stature, brachycephaly, delayed closure of the fontanelles and sutures, Wormian bones, midface hypoplasia, unerupted teeth, supernumerary permanent teeth, aplasia or hypoplasia of the clavicles, and other skeletal anomalies, such as hypoplastic iliac wings and brachydactyly.
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Autoimmune Liver Disease in Children
Autoimmune liver disorders are inflammatory liver diseases characterised histologically by a dense mononuclear cell infiltrate, including plasma cells, in the portal tract (Fig. 1) and serologically by the presence of non-organ and liver-specific autoantibodies and increased levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG), in the absence of a known aetiology. They...
HIV/AIDS in Children
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in Asia has grown from a handful of cases to a major public health threat with wide-ranging medical, social and economic consequences. First gaining foothold among intravenous drug users and commercial sex workers, HIV quickly spreads to...
Speech By Mr Lim Hng Kiang, Minister For Health and Second Minister for Finance, at the Opening Ceremony of the 36th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine on Thursday, 1 August 2002 at 1810 Hours at Raffles City Convention Centre
It gives me great pleasure to join you this evening at the 36th Singapore Malaysia Congress of Medicine and the 36th Annual Combined Surgical Meeting of the Chapter of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine, Singapore.
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Letter to the Editor
Patterns and predictors of sound levels in hospital rooms
Dear Editor,
Excessive sound levels in the hospital can impair the work performance of healthcare professionals and affect patient well-being.1 Previous studies have also linked excessive sound levels with sleep disturbances and cardiovascular morbidity.2 While there have been data published regarding noise levels in the intensive care unit (ICU),3...
Letter to the Editor
Labour epidural practice in a tertiary training centre
Dear Editor,
Labour analgesia provided through the central neuraxial approach is offered for parturients who are in their active stage of labour, usually after 2–4cm of cervical dilatation. Lumbar epidural, the gold standard for labour analgesia, is recently recommended over other alternative methods of analgesia such as pressurised gaseous nitrous...
Inaugural College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists Lecture: Recent Developments in Obstetric Care and Maternal Fetal Medicine in Singapore
Has it done any good to pregnancy outcome as promised?
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Citation on Dr Andrew Chew Guan Kuan for Admission to Honorary Fellowship on 19 August 2004
It is indeed a great pleasure and honour to present to you Dr Andrew Chew Guan Khuan, who is already a Fellow of the Academy, for conferment of Honorary Fellowship of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, the highest honour the Academy can bestow on any of its Fellows. Dr...
Citation on Sir Donald Irvine – 17th Gordon Arthur Ransome Orator
It is my pleasure and privilege to introduce Sir Donald Irvine as the 17th Gordon Arthur Ransome Orator.
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Address by Master, Academy of Medicine, Singapore at the Opening Ceremony of the 38th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine and Induction Ceremony
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Opening Ceremony of the 38th Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine with participation of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and Induction Comitia of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore.
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1st College of Physicians Lecture: The Role of Internal Medicine as a Specialty in the Era of Subspecialisation
It humbles me to accept the invitation to give this lecture, the First College of Physicians Lecture, titled “The Role of Internal Medicine as a Specialty in the Era of Subspecialisation”. I believe I am given this honour as I am one of the few of a seemingly dying...
15th Chapter of Surgeons Lecture: Surgeon of the New Millennium – Surgeon, Scientist and Scholar
Next year, we celebrate a hundred years of medical education in Singapore. We have come a long way since 1821 – from a small, sleepy medical outpost catering to the British Armed Forces in the Far East, to an excellent state-of-the-art medical hub.
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Standards and Revalidation or Recertification
In my Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration and other papers, I have described the nature and development of patient-centred professionalism, the key features of which are summarised in Figure 1.
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Continuing Professional Development – a Surrogate for Recertification?
The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is a statutory body set up in 1993 with the objectives of fostering the development of postgraduate medical education and continuing medical education, the study and practice of medicine and its specialties, and medical research. It is concerned with the standard of specialist...
The Challenge of Teaching Professionalism
For the past 25 years, professionalisation, industrialisation, large-scale infusions of technology into the healthcare system and consumerism, to name a few factors, have definitely contributed to changes in the healthcare environment. At the same time, society has moved from modernity to post-modernity with the adoption of pluralism, relativism and...
2004 Runme Shaw Memorial Lecture: Professionalism – A Concept in Need of Nurturing
It is a great honour to be invited to deliver the Runme Shaw Memorial Lecture. I am grateful to the Runme Shaw Foundation for their support of this lecture.
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17th Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration: Patient-centred Professionalism
When sickness strikes we all need doctors. People everywhere know that the quality of medical care can affect the outcome and possible consequences of illness, and at times mean the difference between life and death.
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The Role of Public Health and Occupational Physicians in the New Millennium
I want to thank the Chapter and organisers for honouring me with this kind invitation to speak to you. This millennium is only 4 years old, and yet I cannot see beyond the next decade, with things moving so rapidly.
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Flap Prefabrication – The Bridge Between Conventional Flaps and Tissue-engineered Flaps
Flap prefabrication is one of the most exciting areas in Plastic Surgery because of its bridging role between conventional reconstructive surgery and tissue engineering. Using this technique, tissues such as bone, cartilage, skin and muscle can be pre-assembled to form precise composites that will fit any defect.
This article is...
Refining Clinical Practice: Transforming Science Research into the Art of Medicine
I am humbled by the invitation given to me by Changi General Hospital to deliver this lecture at your 5th Annual Scientific Meeting with the theme “Frontiers of Medicine”. Thank you very much for the honour accorded me. Your CEO, Mr Udairam, and your CMB, Prof Fock Kwong Ming,...
14th Chapter of Surgeons Lecture: Back to Basics
I am happy to be among old friends. As surgeons, we share a kindred spirit. I wish to thank the Academy for the honour of giving this lecture.
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Original Article
Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamases in Clinical Isolates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. in a Singapore Hospital: Clinical Spectrum
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) in gram-negative bacillary pathogens are a growing and important problem in hospital practice and it is tied to extensive use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The emergence of ESBLs has increased the possibility that traditional, empiric antimicrobial regimens may be ineffective.
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Original Article
Routine Microbiological Screening in Septic Patients in a Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Compared to in-hospital patients, patients treated in an intensive care unit (ICU) have the highest risk of contracting an infection. The risk correlates well with underlying and accompanying diseases and invasive monitoring.
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Medical Education in Asia: Is it a Time for Optimism?
Asia, the largest continent, is also an immensely diverse region with countries that vary in their socio-economic status, degree of urbanisation and health and disease profile. The objective of medical education is to create efficient and compassionate healers to serve indigenous society’s aspiration and priorities.
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Review Article
Issues and Priorities of Medical Education Research in Asia
Medical schools traditionally rest on the “three-legged stool” of research, education and service. Hence, medical teachers are sometimes referred to as “triple-threat academicians”.
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Original Article
Genital Herpes in a Sexually-transmitted Infection Clinic in Singapore: A 1-year Retrospective Study
Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is a commonly notified sexually transmitted infection (STI). Genital herpes can be caused by both herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), with HSV-2 being the predominant infection in genital herpes.
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Professionalism: Looking For Your Blind Spots
In 1996 a major breakthrough was reported in the medical literature. A 5-week ectopic pregnancy was re-implanted into the uterus via the cervix, and the fetus was successfully carried to term.
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Review Article
Methodological Aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history but its efficacy is not as well-documented as one would hope. Proof of efficacy has to come from clinical trials, i.e., prospective experiments for assessing the results of medical interventions.
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Review Article
A Practical Way of Research in Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine individualises its treatment plan and practice and refutes any general law. Therefore, Chinese medicine practitioners do not have the tradition of research.
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Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Time for Critical Engagement
Practice outside of mainstream or conventional medicine has always been an important part of public healthcare in some countries, particularly in the developing world. Recently the use of complementary-alternative medicine (CAM) has grown in popularity worldwide.
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3rd College of Physicians’ Lecture – Translational Research: From Bench to Bedside and From Bedside to Bench; Incorporating a Clinical Research Journey in IgA Nephritis (1976 to 2006)
In our quest to pursue knowledge regarding a patient’s illness or seek a cure for the disease, as doctors we have to derive the necessary answers through physical examination of the patient and investigations either at the bedside or the laboratory. We engage in research activities into the patient’s...
16th Seah Cheng Siang Memorial Lecture – The Changing Face of Cardiology Practice, Training and Research in Singapore
Professor Seah Cheng Siang was one of the most illustrious physicians of his era. During his professional career, he held the following positions: Head, Department of Medicine, Thomson Road General Hospital (1960-71); Head, Department of Medicine III at the Singapore General Hospital (1971-87); Master of the Academy of Medicine...
Original Article
Laparoscopic Appendicectomy in Children: A Trainee’s Perspective
The advent of laparoendoscopic surgery in children has opened new avenues of treatment with added benefits but at the same time demands adequate training for its safe execution. Laparoscopic techniques can be safely incorporated into surgical residency training using graded and supervised clinical programmes.
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Student Academic Committees: An Approach to Obtain Students’ Feedback
The shift of medical curricula from a traditional subject based to an integrated module-based system can be seen in many medical schools worldwide. The change in curricular design was introduced to encourage student-centred learning and equip students with essential skills for future practice.
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Review Article
Curricular Trends in Malaysian Medical Schools: Innovations Within
Medical educators continue to evaluate and introduce innovations into their curriculum with the objective of achieving appropriate outcomes for their graduates so that they can meet the healthcare needs of the society locally and globally. They sought to develop approaches to teaching and learning that would address the goals...
Original Article
A Problem-Based Learning Pathway for Medical Students: Improving the Process Through Action Research
Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centred, self-directed, integrated and contextual mode of learning. It has been widely perceived by many to confer advantages in promoting critical thinking, retention of knowledge, independent learning and interpersonal skills.
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A Simple Instrument for the Assessment of Student Performance in Problem-based Learning Tutorials
Assessment can be done in a variety of ways, for many purposes, and for different populations. It can occur at the classroom level, programme level, college level or even national level.
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Original Article
An Online Evaluation of Problem-based Learning (PBL) in Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan – A Pilot Study
The goal of problem-based learning (PBL) is to motivate students to develop self-learning skills in a small group. PBL embraces principles of good learning and teaching.
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Original Article
Evidence-based Medicine in Clinical Curriculum
Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of the best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.” Considering the vast amount of medical knowledge available today through various media outlets with almost no boundaries, it is essential that our medical graduates should have...
Original Article
Leadership and Professionalism Curriculum in the Gross Anatomy Course
Healthcare delivery systems worldwide are currently undergoing significant changes to create resilient learning organisations that are able to adapt with ever-increasing speed to shifting business, regulatory, and competitive environments. The delivery of healthcare is no longer a single-provider responsibility; modern group practice organisations require a physician to be not...
Original Article
Constructing Multiple Choice Questions as a Method for Learning
Students in general and medical students in particular are often described as “strategic learners”, but in reality many become superficial learners out of necessity when faced with the seemingly boundless volume of material in today’s curriculum. The apparent enormity of the task might encourage rote learning and much of...
Original Article
Computer-based Versus Pen-and-paper Testing: Students’ Perception
Computer-based testing (CBT) has gained popularity as a testing modality, with large-scale professional examinations such as the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) adopting a CBT format since 1999, replacing the written pen-and-paper (PNP) format. Studies have found that testing format does not affect test scores, and that CBT...
Curriculum TIPS For All of Us
Medical education is a lifelong learning process. Just as we remind our students and ourselves that the practice of medicine is a lifelong process in which we continually seek to improve our knowledge so that we give our patients the most effective care, so too with medical education.
This article...
3rd FY Khoo Memorial Lecture – Education, Professionalism, Outsourcing and the Future of Radiology
Radiology is undergoing unprecedented changes. Not only is the technology evolving rapidly, providing images of breathtaking anatomical clarity, but functional information has also become a reality.
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Review Article
Community-associated Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Overview and Local Situation
The emergence and spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from the community that are distinct from their archetypal healthcare-associated counterparts (HA-MRSA) marked a critical evolutionary milestone for the organism. In less than 2 decades, particularly in the last 3 years, this initially sporadic phenomenon of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus...
Letter to the Editor
Translational Research – A Multidisciplinary Approach
Translational research aims to convert laboratory discoveries into therapeutic gains for patients – in oncology, drug development is a prime example. This multifaceted process is often complicated and requires huge investments in time, money and expertise.
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A Complex, Contagious, Evolutionary Habit
Yawning is often noted in medical seminars and conferences – be they surgical, orthopaedic, gastroenterological, endocrinological or neurological. Yet, this condition receives little coverage by professors in medical schools.
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Amendment of the Human Organ Transplant Act
Kidney transplants have been carried out in Singapore for more than 35 years, with the first cadaveric kidney transplant operation performed on 8 July 1970. However, prior to the commencement of the Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA) in 1988, there was only a small number of kidney transplants; between...
Interesting In- and Outpatient Attendances at Hogwarts Infirmary and St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies
With the return of “You Know Who” (YKW) and the rise of Death Eaters, injuries amongst both muggle and wizarding folk (MF and WF) have escalated. Muggle medicine, with its quaint dependence on potions and “technology”, is inadequate to deal with magical injuries, and has much to learn from...
The Doctor’s Multi-instrument Tool of the Future?
It is just another day in 2020, except that the eyes of the medical world are eagerly awaiting the latest invention to be revealed: the ingenious multi-instrument pocket tool. Precision, quality, functionality and versatility are what this invention promises to deliver.
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Relationship Between Item Difficulty and Discrimination Indices in True/False-Type Multiple Choice Questions of a Para-clinical Multidisciplinary Paper
Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are used more and more in departmental examinations or as comprehensive examinations at the end of an academic session. They may be used to determine progress or to make decisions regarding the certification of a candidate.
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10th Yahya Cohen Memorial Lecture: Clinical Predictors in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Patients with Computer-assisted Quantitative Videoendoscopic Upper Airway Analysis
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a common disease, which is estimated to affect up to 2% of middle-aged women and 4% of middle-aged men.1 Various attempts have been made to obtain predictive indicators of OSA, ranging from clinical predictors using body mass index (BMI), Malampatti score2 and tonsil size...
New Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis – Facts, Comparisons and Uncertainties
Atopic dermatitis is associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis, and presents with a typical morphology and distribution. Eighty-four per cent of cases of atopic dermatitis are mild, 14% moderate, and 2% severe.1 There are 10 randomised controlled trials, and 1 systematic review addressing the appropriate frequency of application of...
Original Article
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Trauma Management (Trauma-Teach): A Preliminary Report
In Singapore, trauma1-7 is the leading cause of hospitalisation and the fifth leading cause of morbidity and mortality.8,9 Common causes of trauma include road traffic accidents, industrial accidents, falls and recreational activities. In treating the trauma patient, it is essential that the processes of resuscitation and the identification of...
Letter to the Editor
Towards a Global Educational Matrix for Tomorrow’s Health Systems
Society supports medical schools expecting them to produce physicians who can improve both the health of the population as well as the health system itself. This goal has not been achieved yet; deaths from tuberculosis (1.7 million, 2006) are but one of many examples that points to that failure...
Harnessing the IT Factor in Medical Education
In this digital age, we are constantly inundated with breathtaking images worthy of an Ansel Adams photograph or a Zhang Yimou film. Is it any wonder, then, that we educationists feel compelled to “wow” our students, who may have become jaded by this daily barrage of digital wizardry to...
A Systems Approach to Teach Core Topics across Graduate Medical Education Programmes
Core curricula including Ethics, Medico-legal issues, Socioeconomics, and Quality Improvement (QI) are relevant and significant for graduate medical education programmes, regardless of specialty. A lack of faculty expertise in these content areas is a frequently cited concern among specialty programmes in graduate medical education.
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World Federation for Medical Education Policy on International Recognition of Medical Schools’ Programme
There is an increasing need for international quality assurance of medical education. However, there are no present mechanisms for international recognition of medical educational institutions and programmes.
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Quality Management of Medical Education at the Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine, University of Technology Dresden, Germany
In Germany, medical education is an undergraduate programme for which the students applying at the “Zentralstelle für die Vergabe von Studienplätzen” (ZVS); the final admission is primarily based on the grades of the “Gymnasium”. The number of applying students is about 4 times higher than the number of university...
Original Article
Supporting Learners who are Studying or Training Using a Second Language: Preventing Problems and Maximising Potential
Travel and immigration are vibrant aspects of the international medical and educational field. Patients are increasingly mobile and finding healthcare professionals in a foreign country who can bring additional insights to help address their cultural and language needs can only benefit their care.
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Development of a Tool to Evaluate Health Science Students’ Experiences of an Interprofessional Education (IPE) Programme
A shortage of healthcare professionals and resources in rural areas is well documented. These workforce shortages necessitate new models of healthcare in rural areas that focus on increased collaboration and communication to optimise patient care.
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Step-2 Thai Medical Licensing Examination Result: A Follow-up Study
The Center for Evaluating and Accrediting Medical Competency of the Thai Medical Council has established the regulation that Thai medical graduates matriculated as of 2003 have to pass the Medical Licensing Examination of Thailand (MLET) to qualify for medical practice. There are 3 steps in this national test.
This article...
Original Article
Does Team Learning Motivate Students’ Engagement in an Evidence-based Medicine Course?
Team-based learning (TBL) is a well-defined instructional strategy that has generated considerable interest within the medical education community because of its potential to promote active learning with a limited number of faculty facilitators. This mode of learning was originally developed more than 20 years ago for college business and...
Original Article
A Survey of Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Quality of their Medical Education upon Graduation
Founded in 1934, Tehran University of Medical Sciences School of Medicine (TUMS-SoM) is the oldest modern medical school in Iran. It has the most number of academic staff and research productivity in the country, as well as the highest number of both undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolment per year.
Original Article
The Learning of 7th Year Medical Students at Internal Medical – Evaluation by Logbooks
In 1945, Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University was renamed the National Taiwan University and the Japanese teaching system was replaced with a system implemented by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China. The 7-year curriculum in the School of Medicine, College of Medicine and the National Taiwan University...
Original Article
Use of Knowledge-sharing Web-based Portal in Gross and Microscopic Anatomy
The extensive use of and the rate at which medical technology is becoming an integral force in medicine has impacted on the way in which physicians are being trained to practise within this new environment. Medical informatics and the era of interacting over web-based systems require competencies that need...
Original Article
Assessment of Psychometric Properties of a Modified PHEEM Questionnaire
In Sri Lanka, after a 5-year medical undergraduate curriculum, graduates from the medical faculties undergo a one year mandatory internship or housemanship, 6 months each in 2 selected disciplines of clinical medicine, surgery, paediatrics, obstetrics & gynaecology and paediatric surgery in a recognised government hospital. After successful completion of...
Medical Education in a Flat World
In 2005 Thomas Friedman published the international best-seller The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. He asserted that as the world becomes more connected, it becomes a level playing field, in which all players have equal opportunities.
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Letter to the Editor
Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation Should Not Only Be a Test of Clinical Skill
The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) was originally a test (or summative assessment) specifically of clinical skills, using standardised patients (SP), anatomical models and itemised checklists3 for scoring medical students. However, if OSCE was restricted to a test, as with any other test, many students would learn tricks for...
5th College of Physicians Lecture – A Physician’s Odyssey: Recollections and Reflections
Allow me to thank you Mr President and your Council for asking me to deliver the 5th College of Physicians Lecture. Your President has suggested that with over 50 years of association with Medicine, the title be “In the Service of the Medical Profession”.
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Review Article
Standard Setting in Student Assessment: Is a Defensible Method Yet to Come?
To validate any “adjective”, be it for living or non-living, a criteria or standard is needed. Globalisation, mobility of doctors and the rising number of medical institutions make it imperative to have comparable standards in medical teaching learning and assessment.
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Original Article
Innovative “Case-Based Integrated Teaching” in an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: Development and Teachers’ and Students’ Responses
In Asia, the challenges facing medical education are similar across different countries. The learning process is still problematic with large classes, and most of the curriculum time being spent on traditional lectures.
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The History of Surgical Teaching and the Department of Surgery
On 3 July 2005, the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS) and NUS will be celebrating their centenaries – a hundred years since the founding of the Medical School in Singapore in 1905. What a proud moment it will be for students, teachers and graduates. It will...
Letter to the Editor
Assessment of Medical Graduates Competencies
Medical professional proficiency comprises a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to efficiently accomplish the practice of medicine. The major aim of undergraduate medical education in the region is to produce doctors who are competent and able to meet the health needs of the community while also being...
Original Article
Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) for Undergraduate Medical Students
The practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM), which integrates individual clinical expertise with the best available evidence from systematic research, demands a set of skills. These skills help clinicians retrieve, appraise and apply the current best evidence.
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Original Article
Transudates in Malignancy: Still a Role for Pleural Fluid
According to Light’s criteria, an exudate is defined by at least one of the following: a total protein pleural fluid to serum ratio greater than 0.5, an lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) pleural fluid to serum ratio greater than 0.6, or an absolute pleural fluid LDH greater than 2/3 of the...
Brachytherapy – One Man’s Meat, A Personal Journey in Radiation Oncology
Dr Tan Kim Ping, Chairman for the Dr FY Khoo Memorial Lecture, Ladies and Gentlemen – It is a signal honour for me to deliver this Lecture, the second since the Inaugural Lecture last year. Sadly, it has been renamed a Memorial Lecture, as Dr FY Khoo passed away...
Retinal and Cardiovascular Diseases: The “Common Soil” Theory
There is increasing evidence that retinal and cardiovascular diseases share a “common soil”. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia and cigarette smoking, are known to influence the development of a range of retinal diseases, including hypertensive retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein and artery occlusion, retinal...
4th FY Khoo Memorial Lecture 2008: Nasopharyngeal Cancer Workgroup – The Past, The Present and The Future
Thank you Madam Chairman. First, I would like to thank the Singapore Radiological Society and the College of Radiologists, Academy of Medicine Singapore for giving me the honor of delivering this the 4th FY Khoo Memorial Lecture, 2008.
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Review Article
Self-directed Learning in Health Professions Education
More than 600,000 new citations were published in MEDLINE in 2005; this raised the total number of indexed citations to more than 14 million citations. In a study be Williamson et al, 2 out of 3 primary care physicians described the volume of literature as unmanageable, and 1 out...
3rd College of Paediatrics and Child Health Lecture – The Past, the Present and the Shape of Things to Come…
In the post-war days of the 1950s, Singapore children were faced with problems of malnutrition and infectious diseases. There was poverty, overcrowded housing and lack of hygiene, and the social conditions were apparently appalling.
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Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome (1910-1978) – His Teaching Style and His Legacy
Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome was born in Salop, England, in 1910.1 He came to Singapore in 1938, where he taught and practised medicine for 33 years before his retirement in 1971.
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Translating the Family Medicine Vision into Educational Programmes in Singapore
The core of the Family Medicine (FM) vision is patient-centred care, requiring specific education and vocational training. Modern day FM began its existence as a “counterculture” to the disease-and-body-part focus of the hospital specialties in the 1960s.
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Letter to the Editor
Erysipelothrix rhuseopathiae Septicaemia with Prolonged Hypotension: A Case Report
Erysipelothrix sp. is a gram-positive, non-spore forming bacterium that was first isolated by Robert Koch. It has the unusual ability to infect a large variety of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, including various species of domestic and wild animals, mainly swine, cattle, fish and birds.
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The Hospitalist Movement – A Complex Adaptive Response to The Hospitalist Movement – A Complex Adaptive Response to Fragmentation of Care in Hospitals
Healthcare systems are complex adaptive systems. They are capable of self organisation through interacting agents that adapt to changes to the internal and external environment.
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Medication Use in the Transition from Hospital to Home
Hospital discharge can be a complex and challenging time for physicians and patients alike. Patients are being discharged sooner, often in the process of convalescence rather than at baseline health status. This requires physicians to more effectively communicate instructions for post discharge care to patients, family members, and outpatient...
Family Medicine Education in Singapore: A Long-standing Collaboration between Specialists and Family Physicians
In the US, Canada and Australia, the postgraduate training of family physicians (FPs) involves the attachment of family medicine (FM) trainees to specialist departments, similar to the model currently employed in Singapore. Unlike Singapore, however, FM training outside these hospital attachments is largely administered by senior FPs with minimal...
Bridging the Gap between Primary and Specialist Care: Formidable Challenges Ahead
The strong guiding hand and deep pockets of the state have brought about the growth of hospitals and national specialist centres while leaving the primary care sector largely to free market forces. Thus, it is not surprising that the evolution of Singapore’s healthcare system has largely favoured specialisation and...
Original Article
Clinical Skills in Final-year Medical Students: The Relationship between Self-reported Confidence and Direct Observation by Faculty or Residents
In clinical medical education, instructors train students in their medical knowledge and clinical skills. Medical educators also aspire to develop students’ self-confidence in medical practice.
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Original Article
Development of a Core Curriculum on Tuberculosis Control for Philippine Medical Schools
Medical schools play an important role not only in the building of medical expertise but also in the socialisation of future physicians. Societies expect these institutions to train students to competently and holistically handle common health problems. As tuberculosis (TB) has been consistently listed as one of the Philippines’...
The Role of Electrophysiology in the Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
Cervical spondylosis is an extremely common condition managed by both physicians and surgeons in daily clinical practice. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM), resulting from longstanding degenerative impingement of the spinal cord and nerve roots by osteo-cartilagineous elements, is managed by conservative or surgical methods.1 While surgery is often performed in...
Outcome-based Approach in Development of a Disaster Management Course for Healthcare Workers
Sri Lanka is an island nation in the Indian Ocean with a population of 20 million. It is a multi-ethnic country with 82.7% Sinhalese, 9.4%Tamils and 7.9% Muslims.1,2 It has faced many man-made and natural disasters in the past. The war in the northern and eastern provinces of the...
Demands and Challenges of Modern Medicine
I am deeply honoured by the invitation to deliver the 16th Tun Dr Ismail Oration and I wish to thank the Master and Council of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia for this rare privilege of addressing a distinguished gathering such as this, as previous illustrious orators had done...
Happenings in Histopathology – A Post-World War II Perspective
During the past few decades, there have been many significant developments in the practice of histopathology, the specialty that is also referred to as anatomic pathology, surgical pathology, or simply as pathology without qualification. Those selected for review are grouped under 4 headings: new techniques, organisational developments, ethical and...
A Brief History of the Chapter of Psychiatrists
The Inaugural Meeting of the Chapter of Psychiatrists and Chapter of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine, was held on 5 December 1986 at King’s Hotel.1,2 At that time the Academy already had 7 Chapters in her fold. The Chairman, Dr Lawrence Chan (then Master of the Academy of Medicine) remarked...
Tumour Interstitial Fluid Pressure May Regulate Angiogenic Factors in Osteosarcoma
Solid tumours have states of raised interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) that cause significant changes to their physiology.1-3 We have previously shown that human osteosarcomas respond to this raised IFP by increasing their proliferative state. This proliferative state results in increased sensitivity to chemotherapy – a finding noted both in...
Surgical Training – The Challenge of Change
President of the College of Surgeons, distinguished guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honour and a unique privilege for me to be invited to deliver a named lecture for a third time. Twenty years ago, I gave the first overseas Joint Lecture of the Academy and...
Preparedness for Terrorism: Managing Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Threats
Preparedness for terrorism in the 21st century includes addressing the management of nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) terrorism events. Understanding the terrorist threat and detecting clues that an attack has occurred are critical to reducing morbidity and mortality in the next decade. While high explosive events (bomb and blast)...
5th College of Surgeons Lectureship: Surgery beyond Scalpels
The training of surgeons composed of two aspects: (1) Clinical skill and competence; (2) The ‘soft’ skill and ‘art’ of surgery. With the gradual introduction of residency programme into the surgical discipline, hopefully our clinical training will be more systematic, closely supervised, monitored, assessed and reassessed, and structured.
This article...
The Evolution of Radiology from Paraclinical to Clinical
I would like to thank the Academy of Medicine and the Singapore Radiological Society for giving me the honour of delivering this year’s F Y Khoo’s Memorial Lecture. I believe that I am one of the few radiologists in Singapore who had the privilege of working with Dr F...
Original Article
Evaluation of Intensive Care Unit-acquired Urinary Tract Infections in Singapore
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common types of nosocomial infections encountered in the inpatient settings including intensive care unit (ICU). Amongst patients admitted to ICU, studies have revealed the incidence of nosocomial UTIs to range from 9% to 29%.
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Medical Professionalism in the Internet Age
Medical professionalism encompasses the conduct and practices of physicians, both as individuals and as a collective organisation. Professionalism enhances the trust and confidence of patients and society in doctors.
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3rd College of Surgeons Lecture — Bringing up Surgeons
I am greatly honoured to be given the privilege of delivering the 3rd College of Surgeons Lecture, especially when I have retired from surgery for 3 years. I am not in a position to contribute anything significant to your knowledge. There is an old Chinese saying that learning is...
Letter to the Editor
Developing the “NUS Tummy Dummy”, A Low-Cost Simulator to Teach Medical Students to Perform the Abdominal Examination
Simulators may be used to provide adequate exposure to learning experiences that allow clinical skills to develop, that is, allow medical students and trainees to perform the steps of clinical examinations and to acquire diagnostic skills. To date, simulators have been developed for trainees to perform cardiac and respiratory...
12th Yahya Cohen Memorial Lecture – The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Radiation-induced Sensori-neural Hearing Loss
Radiation-induced sensori-neural hearing loss (SNHL) has long been recognised as a complication of radiotherapy (RT) for head and neck tumours, if the auditory pathways had been included in the radiation fields. In Singapore, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is common and the prevalence of SNHL after radiotherapy for NPC has been...
11th Yahya Cohen Memorial Lecture – An In vivo Comparative Study of the Ability of Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Partial Growth Arrest
It has been my greatest pleasure and honour to accept this, the 11th Yahya Cohen Memorial Lectureship on the anniversary of a half century of the Academy of Medicine.
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Challenges and Pitfalls in the Introduction of Pharmacogenetics for Cancer
Pharmacogenetics, by definition, refers to the study of genetic differences in metabolic pathways which can affect an individual’s responses to drugs in terms of both therapeutic and adverse effects. In recent years, there have been several success stories such as HER2 for trastuzumab in breast cancer and VKORC1/CYP2C9 for...
7th College of Physicians Lecture — The Changing Face of Medicine, Medicine – Past, Present and Future
When we think about medicine, just like we do about other things in life in the past and the present, we usually reflect on the good old days. On hindsight, the past always seems brighter than the present. Sometimes, it is worth looking back to see how things have...
Review Article
What Skills are Tested in the New PACES Examination?
Despite the continuing emergence of sophisticated technology to aid diagnosis, many experienced clinicians continue to believe that bedside clinical skills relating to communication and physical examination remain fundamental to the practice and delivery of high quality patient care. Patients also regard doctors with a good “bedside manner”, as better...
15th Yahya Cohen Memorial Lecture – The Relationship between the Air-bone Gap and the Size of Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence
Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) can result in a characteristic constellation of vestibular and auditory features, including autophony, oscillopsia, and vertigo, and characteristic eye movements induced by sound and pressure changes. Patients with SSCD also show lowered thresholds for vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) and a heightened sensitivity to bone-conducted...
5th Chao Tze Cheng Memorial Lecture—Recent Developments in Informed Consent
The question of informed consent is a concern of recent origin and has engaged the mind of the medical profession here for only some 5 decades now. The term ‘informed consent’ is very much of American origin and the British have termed it as ‘a duty to warn’. This...
7th Tan Tock Seng Oration: Surgical Excellence at TTSH—100 Years on and onward
Mr SR Nathan, our guest of honour, Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health, Madam Kay Kuok, Chairman of NHG Board, Board members, colleagues, distinguished guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I am greatly humbled by the honour and privilege to deliver the 7th TTSH Oration this evening. The sixth...
8th FY Khoo Memorial Lecture 2012 —Why Radiologists Need Philosophy
Firstly, I wish to thank the Singapore Radiological Society and the College of Radiologists, Singapore for deeply honouring me with the invitation to give the FY Khoo Memorial Lecture for this year’s Annual Scientific Meeting. Today, I will present you an argument that radiologists should be conscious of philosophy...
6th College of Surgeons Lecture The Philosophy of Balance: The Art of Healing
With the rise of high tech medicine, and emphasis on the scientific aspects of medicine, there is danger that we may lose the balanced approach to healing, and lose the benefit of the traditional medical wisdom and emotional support to improve the care of our patients.
This article is available...
Is Cost-Effective Healthcare Compatible with Publicly Financed Academic Medical Centres?
Nearly all legislation involves a weighing of public needs as against private desires; and likewise a weighing of relative social values.
—Louis D Brandeis
As a small island state with finite resources, Singapore’s healthcare philosophy is governed by pragmatism, rationing and cost-effectiveness (see Appendix 1 for definition) with an unrelenting emphasis...
Review Article
Cognitive Aspect of Diagnostic Errors
It was an unusually busy ward round. The newly promoted registrar was keen to review the patients handed over to him. But there were constant distractions from the other
things he needed to attend to quickly. The patient, Madam Sumar was referred by her family doctor for chest pain with...
2013 Runme Shaw Memorial Lecture: Clinical Applications of Stem Cells in Modern Medicine—21st Century and Beyond
The rapid advancement of biomedical research in the recent years was propelled by a series of groundbreaking technological inventions and breakthrough discoveries. In this lecture, I will discuss about the scientific achievements that led to different eras of intense research with profound impact on biomedicine, focusing on the use...
22nd Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration: Is Medicine Still an Art?
Distinguished guests and colleagues in medicine, I am deeply honoured to have been invited to deliver this 22nd oration in honour of Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome, and also humbled when I peruse the list of outstanding previous orators.
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Original Article
Academic Medicine Education Institute (AM∙EI): Transforming the Educational Culture of Health Professionals
In 2010, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (Duke-NUS) and Singapore Healthcare Services (SingHealth) launched an initiative to improve the lives of patients by combining their individual strengths to become an integrated academic healthcare cluster. This new academic healthcare cluster has a mission to provide outstanding clinical service, discover and promote...
Letter to the Editor
Diagnosing Bacteraemia Early in Older Adults
Sepsis is a prevalent and important cause of morbidity and mortality in the general population. Approximately 750,000 patients in the United States alone develop severe sepsis each year. Of this, more than 60% are patients older than 65 years. Morbidity and mortality remain high in spite of advances in...
24th Seah Cheng Siang Lecture: Seeing Better, Doing Better—Evolution and Application of Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy
Man’s innate curiosity to study the internal organs of the human body dates back to the time of Hippocrates where basic speculums were invented to peer into the buccal cavity and vagina. The first instruments used to intubate the oesophagus and stomach in the 16th and 17th centuries were...
Original Article
Factors and experiences associated with unscheduled 30-day hospital readmission: A mixed method study
Readmission leads to a greater demand for healthcare services, especially hospital beds, and contributes to the rising healthcare costs.1,2 With estimated one-third of the readmissions considered preventable,3 early identification of the underlying risk factors can offer better management and discharge planning.4 Some risk factors of readmissions related to patient...
Potentially avoidable readmissions: Understanding drivers and technology-enabled solutions
Hospital admissions places high resource demands on the health system, and is a major cost-driver in Singapore and globally.1-3 Admissions have and will continue to increase given Singapore’s ageing population and growing chronic disease and multimorbidity burden, impacting care quality and patient/provider experience.2,4 While majority of admissions are clinically...
Letter to the Editor
A resuscitation course designed for a psychiatric hospital
It is challenging to maintain the resuscitation skills of doctors in a psychiatric hospital. Our study describes a resuscitation course designed specifically for the Institute of Mental Health in Singapore to address competency gaps, which proved to be relevant and helpful to the trainees.
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Development of Rheumatology in Singapore
Patients with rheumatic diseases frequently consult primary care physicians, internists and orthopaedic surgeons. In the past, few doctors took interest in these diseases.
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