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Risk Factors for Predicting Mortality in a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

Following the rapid advances in medical therapy and critical care technology over the past 30 years, coupled with the spiralling cost of medical care, outcome analysis including mortality risk prediction has become a challenge for the modern day intensivists. During the early 90s, the focus has shifted from the...

Infections in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

Children undergoing chemotherapy for cancer are especially vulnerable to infection because of immunosuppression related to their underlying illness, the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Empiric antimicrobial chemotherapy is the mainstay of therapy for febrile neutropenic episodes pending the culture results. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click...

Childhood Leukaemia: Towards an Integrated Psychosocial Intervention Programme in Singapore

In the last two decades there has been a surge of interest concerning the psychosocial correlates of life-threatening illnesses. Research in this area has focused especially on cancer and the possible link between immunology and psychological factors. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF”...

Caudal Morphine in Paediatric Patients: A Comparison of Two Different Doses in Children after Major Urogenital Surgery

The use of caudal preservative-free morphine for postoperative analgesia in children has gained popularity since it was first described by Jensen. Several studies have reviewed its use for inguinal and genital surgery in children. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to...

A Retrospective Study of Infants with Severe Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension (PPHN) Managed without Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

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Five Paediatric Case Reports of the Use of Adenosine in Supraventricular Tachycardia

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Survey of Aerobic Bacterial Infections in Paediatric Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients

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The Outcome of Trial Off Catheter after Acute Retention of Urine

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T Wave Alternans and Acute Rheumatic Myocarditis: A Case Report

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The Future of Medicine from the Standpoint of the Practising Paediatrician

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Hepatopulmonary Syndrome: A Rare Complication of Chronic Liver Disease in Children

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Bidirectional Cavopulmonary Anastomosis

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Retinopathy of Prematurity in Very Low Birth Weight Infants

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Echocardiographic Features and Management of Neonatal Ductal Aneurysm

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Transaminitis in Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy

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Twenty-four hour, Non-invasive, Neonatal Chromosome Analysis—Application in a Case of Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis

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Sandhoff Disease—A Case Report of 3 Siblings and a Review of Potential Therapies

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A Case Report on the Perinatal Management of a 30-week Preterm Baby with Congenital Complete Heart Block

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Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome—A Complex Genetic Disorder

Minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) is the most common cause of childhood nephrotic syndrome. It is characterised by the presence of gross proteinuria, hypoalbuminaemia, oedema and hyperlipidaemia. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Candida Arthritis in a Premature Infant Treated Successfully with Oral Fluconazole for Six Months

Candida arthritis in premature infants is regarded as a rare condition. The largest published series of 8 cases from one institution was from Bombay, India. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

DNA Testing for Fragile X Syndrome in 255 Males from Special Schools in Singapore

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Initial Experience of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Supraventricular Tachycardia in Paediatric Patients

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Diagnosing and Prognosticating Acute Meningitis in Young Infants within 24 Hours of Admission

Meningitis is an important cause of fever in young infants (infants 90 days old or younger). Most cases of meningitis are acute meningitis which present with a short history of symptoms and are caused by either bacteria (acute bacterial meningitis, ABM) or viruses (acute aseptic meningitis, AAM). This article is...

Book Review

The above is a textbook of medicine written by Singapore doctors and published in Singapore. It is difficult not to be over-enthusiastic about it as there are so few books of medicine written and published in Singapore. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF”...

Quality of Life in Long-Term Survivors of Intensive Care

Intensive care has undergone rapid technological advancement in recent years enabling complex treatment of patients of advanced age and/or with advanced chronic diseases underlying their acute medical problems. New interventions have been introduced with success determined by their ability to save lives. This article is available only as a PDF....

Limitation of Life Support in the Critically Ill: The Hong Kong Perspective

Technological advances over the last 30 years have had an enormous impact on the way in which medicine is delivered today. This is particularly so in the specialty of intensive care where intensivists possess the necessary knowledge and tools to prolong life in many situations where patients would previously...

Enteral Nutrition of the Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) Infant

Optimal nutrition is critical in the management of the preterm infant. The fetus in utero receives continuous intravenous nutrition that is interrupted when prematurely delivered. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

A Case Series of Six Children with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is an uncommon but serious and debilitating disorder seen in children and adults. By definition, it is an elevation of the pressure in the pulmonary artery to above a mean of 25 mmHg at rest, or 30 mmHg during exercise. This article is available only as...

2nd Chapter of Paediatricians Lecture: The Future of Paediatrics in Singapore

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Liver Transplantation in a Child With Severe Hypercholesterolaemia in Alagille Syndrome

Alagille syndrome (AS) or arteriohepatic dysplasia is a genetic disorder transmitted in an autosomal dominant inheritance. The chromosomal abnormality has been identified to the short arm of chromosome 20. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

The Use of Vigabatrin in Infantile Spasms in Asian Children

Infantile spasms are a form of age-dependent myoclonic epilepsy that is difficult to control. Agents such as adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and prednisolone have been used as first-line therapy, but are associated with major side effects. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top...

A Twelve-year Review of Radical Cystectomies in Singapore General Hospital

Bladder carcinoma is the tenth most common cancer affecting men in Singapore. It is more common in men with an age-standardised incidence rate of 6.9 per 100,000 per year for men and 1.7 per 100,000 per year for women in Singapore. This article is available only as a PDF. Please...

Audit of Total Parenteral Nutrition in an Adult Surgical Intensive Care

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) may contribute to good outcome in selected groups of patients. Parenteral nutrition is highly effective in reversing effects attributable to simple starvation. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Paediatric Extracranial Germ Cell Tumours: A Retrospective Review

Germ cell tumours (GCTs) in children account for 2% to 3% of childhood malignancies. They arise from primordial germ cells and constitute a heterogeneous group of tumours. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Chronic Lung Disease of Infancy: Strategies for Prevention and Management

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and chronic lung disease of infancy (CLD) are two chronic pulmonary conditions which are the result of incomplete resolution or abnormal repair of lung injury in the neonatal period. Although BPD and CLD are closely related, they have differing diagnostic criteria and the spectrum of severity...

Intussusception: A Three-Year Review

Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in infants and young children. It occurs when one segment of the intestines telescopes into another. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Bowel Surgery for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer – An Early Case Series

Epithelial ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death in patients with gynaecological malignancies in Singapore and developed countries, the main reason being the advanced stages of the disease (stage III or IV) at diagnosis. This is largely due to the lack of an effective screening tool to detect...

Severe Newborn Encephalopathy Unrelated to Intrapartum Hypoxic Events: 3 Case Reports

Since Little’s article of 1862, it was popularly believed that brain damage in the majority of cases of cerebral palsy occurs during labour and delivery. However, the growing evidence in literature has refuted this belief. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top...

A Case Series of Pre-Viable Severe Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

Monozygotic twinning has an incidence of approximately 3.5 per 1000 pregnancies. Only 25% of monozygotic twins have a dichorionic placenta. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Idiopathic Chronic Fetomaternal Haemorrhage Resulting in Hydrops – A Case Report

Small amounts (<0.1 mL) of fetal blood are commonly found in maternal circulation. Massive fetomaternal haemorrhage (FMH) involves fetal blood loss into the maternal circulation of greater than 150 mL or more than half the fetal blood volume. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download...

Imaging of Paediatric Mediastinal Masses

A review of mediastinal masses in children, emphasising imaging features, is important for several reasons. Firstly, the mediastinum is the most common location for thoracic masses in children. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

The Relationship Between Scoring Systems and Cytokine Levels in Neonatal Sepsis

In newborn infants, the early diagnosis of sepsis is an important problem because the early signs and symptoms of septicaemia in term or preterm infants are usually nonspecific. Many clinical and haematological scoring systems have been developed in the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. This article is available only as...

Clinical Characteristics of an Outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Singapore

The enterovirus family causes a wide array of illnesses, some easily recognised clinically and others diagnosed as non-specific viral illnesses. This large family of viruses, composed of more than 70 serotypes, accounts for at least 10 to 15 millions of asymptomatic infection per year in the United States. This article...

Perinatal Care at the Threshold of Viability—From Principles to Practice

One of the major challenges in neonatal-perinatal medicine in the new century is the optimal management of the mother and infant when delivery is imminent or at the threshold of viability. Considerable debate has arisen regarding the appropriate approach and strongly polarised viewpoints are held with and without supporting...

Eight-year Outcome of Very-low-birth-weight Infants Born in KK Hospital

The outcome of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) premature babies with birth weights of <1500 g has remained an area of great concern for both parents and medical personnel. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Long-term Follow-up and Outcome of Extremely-low-birth-weight (ELBW) Infants

With the progressive improvement in the survival of premature neonates, including those born at the extreme edge of viability, there has been a great degree of interest focused on the functioning of these high-risk survivors and their outcome into childhood and recently up to adolescence and early adulthood. Prospective...

Exogenous Surfactant Therapy in Newborn Infants

Exogenous surfactant therapy is widely used in the management of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and may have a role in the management of other neonatal respiratory disorders as well. Numerous randomised controlled trials have been conducted in neonatology to study different aspects of surfactant therapy. This article is available...

The Use and Abuse of Steroids in Perinatal Medicine

Preterm birth, delivery prior to 37 weeks of gestational age, accounts for a major and disproportionate amount of infant and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Despite advances in medical technology, the prevalence of preterm birth in Singapore has increased, secondary to an increase in multiple gestations and obstetric interventions. This article...

Mass Newborn Screening in Singapore—Position and Projections

Mass newborn screening is an essential preventative public health programme which aims to diagnose, in the presymptomatic phase, diseases that have a better outcome with early intervention. The development in 1960 by the late Dr Robert Guthrie of a simple test, the GuthrieTest, that enabled the detection of phenylketonuria...

Neonatology In Singapore: The Way We Were, The Way Forward

Over a span of 35 years of my working life, I have witnessed the growth of, and also grown together with, neonatology in Singapore. As I look at the present-day status of neonatology, it gives me a sense of achievement and accomplishment. This article is available only as a PDF....

Chorioamnionitis and Outcome in Extremely Preterm Infants

Preterm delivery is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality, especially among the 1% to 2% infants delivered at less than 32 weeks. Chorioamnionitis is a major predisposing factor for preterm delivery. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full...

Challenges in Perinatal Medicine

One of the significant milestones in the perinatal care in Singapore is the birth of the Perinatal Society of Singapore in March 1989. This signaled the beginning of increased collaboration between the obstetricians and neonatologists in the management of high-risk pregnancies through multidisciplinary birth defect clinics and high-risk perinatal...

Predicting Significant Hyperbilirubinaemia and Early Discharge for Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficient Newborns

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency occurs in 2.5% of Singapore’s population, and affected newborns are at risk for severe neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia and kernicterus. In the past four decades, neonatology units in local restructured hospitals have hospitalised all affected newborns for at least 14 days after birth because of this risk. This...

Autoimmune Liver Disease in Children

Autoimmune liver disorders are inflammatory liver diseases characterised histologically by a dense mononuclear cell infiltrate, including plasma cells, in the portal tract (Fig. 1) and serologically by the presence of non-organ and liver-specific autoantibodies and increased levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG), in the absence of a known aetiology. They...

HIV/AIDS in Children

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in Asia has grown from a handful of cases to a major public health threat with wide-ranging medical, social and economic consequences. First gaining foothold among intravenous drug users and commercial sex workers, HIV quickly spreads to...

Hepatic Resection for Colorectal Metastases to the Liver: The National Cancer Centre/Singapore General Hospital Experience

Colorectal carcinoma is the fourth most common malignancy and the second leading cause of death worldwide. Although surgical resection in combination with adjuvant chemotherapy in certain cases provide curative treatment, more than 50% will develop metastases in the course of their disease. This article is available only as a PDF....

Adolescent Health Education Programmes: Theoretical Principles in Design and Delivery

Over the past three decades, the patterns of health need in youth have changed. Psychosocial problems such as depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy, accidental and intentional injury, including suicide, affect youth disproportionately and appear to be increasing. This article is available only as a...

Art and “the Language of Well-Being” in Adolescent Health Care

Creative processes involve imagining, making unexpected connections, maintaining discipline while letting go of controlling the outcome, opening oneself to pleasure, and moving beyond frustration. Creative activity parallels important strategies for mental and spiritual health—people who participate in well-designed creative processes report that it is powerfully restorative. This article is available...

From Recreation to Creative Expression: The Essential Features of an Adolescent Inpatient Psychosocial Support Programme

In 1984, the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) in Melbourne, Australia opened a new ward specifically for adolescent inpatients. This initiative was the result of many years of observation, patient survey, discussion and debate about the possibility of allowing teenagers to stay in a children’s hospital. This article is available only...

Adolescent Admissions to a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital: A Dynamic Pattern

The nature of paediatric practice is changing worldwide. In developing countries, infant mortality from infectious diseases continues to fall with improved immunisation, medical care and pharmaceutical advances. This has resulted in a corresponding rise in the number of adolescents, who now constitute 30% of the world’s population. This article is...

Clinical Assessment, Management and Outcomes of a Group of Adolescents Presenting with Complex Medico-psychosocial Conditions

Increased sensitivity to biological change can make adolescents particularly vulnerable to non-organic symptomatic disorders. A variety of pains, headaches, dizziness and fatigue may remain unexplained after medical assessment. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Adolescent Chronic Illness: A Qualitative Study of Psychosocial Adjustment

Chronic illness during adolescence can have significant psychological and social consequences within many life domains. Growing up with a chronic medical condition presents many challenges including dealing with the symptoms of illness, side effects of medications, altered body image, unpredictable disease progression, depression and anxiety. This article is available only...

Strategies to Promote Better Outcomes in Young People with Chronic Illnesses

The epidemiology of child health in the developed world is changing. Mortality from infectious diseases has fallen sharply over the past century due to public health measures, such as sanitation and immunisation, better housing and sweeping improvements in health care. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click...

Adolescent Alcohol and Other Substance Use: Sharing the Australian Experience

The most common causes of morbidity in adolescence often have behavioural or social determinants, and can have enormous social and economic consequences for adolescent and future adult health and well being. Adolescent substance use and abuse is an example of this. This article is available only as a PDF. Please...

Sexually Transmitted Infections in Singapore Teenagers

Adolescence can be a difficult period for many individuals who have to navigate their way through complicated emotional, psychological, physical and social demands and changes. The transition from childhood to adulthood includes the formation of successful intimate relationships and avoidance of the pitfalls of sexually transmitted infections (STI), including...

Eating Disorders in Singapore: A Review

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge-eating disorder are the three best described ‘eating disorders’. All three are predominantly disorders of women with the core symptoms of shape/weight dissatisfaction and eating abnormalities. Anorexia nervosa is characterised by significant self-induced weight loss secondary to fear of fatness, amenorrhoea (cessation of menstruation for...

Youth Suicide and Parasuicide in Singapore

The World Health Organization defines suicide as an act with a fatal outcome that is deliberately initiated and performed by the person himself or herself in the knowledge, or expectation, of its fatal outcome. Parasuicide or attempted suicide is distinguished from suicide by the non-fatal outcome. This article is available...

Five-Year Review of Adolescent Mental Health Usage in Singapore

The past 20 years have seen much growth in the knowledge of child and adolescent psychiatric practice. Research has provided an improved understanding in almost every area, including epidemiology, classification and treatment. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the...

The Perils of Puberty

Adolescence is a biopsychosocial maturational process, with the biological changes including completion of linear growth and sexual maturation (puberty), maturation of enzyme systems such as cytochrome P450 systems, accretion of peak bone mass, and the development of sexually dimorphic adult patterns in blood lipids, blood pressure, haemoglobin and red...

Adolescent Health—A New Perspective in Singapore

In the past five decades, there have been significant advances in the fields of Paediatrics and Adult Medicine in Singapore. However, the bridging field of Adolescent Health has only recently been recognised to be an important specialty which has not received due emphasis in the medical curriculum for undergraduates,...

MELAS: A Case Report

A 6-year-old Chinese boy presented at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery clinic with gingival bleeding due to poor oral hygiene, odontogenic pain due to multiple dental caries, phenytoin-induced gingival hyperplasia and severely worn-down and eroded dentition. He is under regular follow-up by the Paediatrics Department of the National University...

Oropharyngeal Carriage and Penicillin Resistance of Neisseria meningitidis in Primary School Children in Manisa, Turkey

Infections by Neisseria meningitidis are significant causes of mortality and morbidity in young children and adolescents. The epidemiology of serious meningococcal disease is an area of considerable interest, and many unanswered questions surround this organism and the types of diseases it causes. This article is available only as a PDF....

An Unusual Cause of Pulmonary Haemorrhage in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Strongyloides stercoralis is an intestinal nematode which causes a chronic but usually asymptomatic infection in humans. However, in immunocompromised patients, parasitic larvae can develop rapidly and re-invade the host. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

A Fatal Turkish Case of Campomelic Dysplasia

Paediatric Medicine (CD) is a rare form of congenital short-limbed dwarfism, classically characterised by campomelia (bowing of the long bones of the lower extremities) in association with a posterior cleft palate, flattened facies and hypoplastic scapulae. It was first fully and originally described by Spranger et al and Maroteaux...

Familial Risk of Allergic Rhinitis and Atopic Dermatitis among Chinese Families in Singapore

Family history has been shown to be a risk factor for the development of allergic rhinitis (AR) and atopic dermatitis (AD). However, the increase in prevalence has also been attributed to the changes in lifestyle and urbanisation in developed countries. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click...

Clinical Report: A Case of Williams Syndrome and Klinefelter Syndrome

Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare but well recognised neurodevelopmental disease affecting the connective tissue and the central nervous system. The syndrome was first described in 1961 and the phenotype was subsequently expanded in 1972. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top...

Skin Manifestation of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Infection – A Case Report and Review Article

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an aerobic gram-negative bacillus that is found in aquatic environments. It is a frequent coloniser of fluids used in the hospital setting, such as nebulisers, water baths, dialysis machines and intravenous fluids. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top...

Gender Disparity in Paediatric Hospital Admissions

Gender difference in the incidence of childhood diseases has long been recognised. but the magnitude of this effect and consistency across many disease categories appears not to attract much attention or research interest. Gissler and colleagues, in a longitudinal follow-up of all children born in Finland in 1987, reported...

Study of Inherited Metabolic Disorders in Singapore – 13 Years Experience

Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) described in the early 1900s by Garrod were due to a block in a metabolic pathway, arising from an enzyme deficiency which led directly to the disruption of cellular metabolism. However 40 years later, it was discovered that many inherited diseases were not due...

Does Visual Turbidity Correlate With Serum Triglyceride Levels in Babies on Total Parenteral Nutrition?

Intravenous lipid infusion is commonly used as part of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in newborn babies. Upon infusion, it forms an emulsion that resembles endogenously produced chylomicrons. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Corticosteroids are not Present in a Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulation for Atopic Dermatitis in Children

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common, chronic inflammatory skin disease. It has been estimated that 15% of schoolchildren aged 13 to 14 years have a history of AD. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Paediatric Oncology Patients in Singapore

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has been gaining acceptance throughout the world. The efficacy of CAM is unproven, yet it remains popular with the general public, with many of them utilising it for a whole spectrum of ailments. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download...

The Epidemiology of Paediatric Intussusception in Singapore: 1997 to 2004

Intussusception (IS) is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in infants and young children. The peak age of presentation is 4 to 8 months. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

A Report of Two Families with Sarcosinaemia in Hong Kong and Revisiting the Pathogenetic Potential of Hypersarcosinaemia

Sarcosinaemia (OMIN 268900) is an autosomal recessive condition due to the deficiency of sarcosine dehydrogenase (E.C. It is a rare condition with an estimated incidence of 1 in 350,000 in a newborn screening programme. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top...

Neonatal Priapism Associated With Spontaneous Bilateral Pyocavernositis

Priapism is a pathological state of prolonged, generally painful erection, unassociated with sexual desire and not ending in ejaculation. Rare before the 1980s, this entity became more frequent after the introduction of vasoactive drugs for intracavernosal injections. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF”...

Paediatrics to Geriatrics: The Continuum

In many parts of Asia today, paediatricians are still grappling with the childhood problems of infectious diseases, diarrhoeal diseases and malnutrition. In Singapore, it was no different up to the mid 1980s. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the...

Radiographic Features of SARS in Paediatric Patients: A Review of Cases in Singapore

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a newly emerged atypical pneumonia caused by the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). It is easily transmitted via droplet infection from close contact. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

A Rotavirus Vaccine for Infants: The Asian Experience

Of all the enteric pathogens that infect young children, rotavirus is recognised as the leading cause of severe gastroenteritis worldwide. Rotavirus accounts for 20% of all diarrhoea-related deaths and global mortality among children less than 5 years of age is estimated at nearly half a million. This article is available...

Therapeutic Hypothermia for Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy

Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) is an important cause of death and later neurological disability in full-term neonates worldwide. Perinatal asphyxia causes about 19% of the over 5 million neonatal deaths worldwide annually. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full...

Outcome of Organic Acidurias in China

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Organising Services for IMD in Thailand: Twenty Years Experience

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Newborn Screening in Pakistan – Lessons from a Hospital-based Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening Programme

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Newborn Screening in Bangladesh

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Newborn Screening in China: Phenylketonuria, Congenital Hypothyroidism and Expanded Screening

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Minimising Harm from Newborn Screening Programmes

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Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: Universal or Selective Ultrasound Screening?

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Financing Newborn Screening Systems: US Experience

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Inborn Errors of Metabolism Presenting as Neonatal Encephalopathy: Practical Tips for Clinicians

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Legal Issues in Neonatal Screening

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Neuroblastoma Screening in Japan: Population-based Cohort Study and Future Aspects of Screening

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External Quality Assurance Programme for Newborn Screening of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

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Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency: Correlation between the Genotype, Biochemistry and Phenotype

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Disorders of Vitamin B12 Metabolism Presenting Through Newborn Screening

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Diagnosis of Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) Responsive Mild Phenylketonuria in Japan over the Past 10 Years

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Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects

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Disorders of the Carnitine Cycle and Detection by Newborn Screening

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Spectrum of Inherited Metabolic Disorders in Malaysia

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Establishing a Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Programme

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Current Understanding of Auditory Neuropathy

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A Multidisciplinary Approach to Paediatric Hearing Loss: Programme at the Centre for Hearing Intervention and Language Development, National University Hospital, Singapore

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Early Intervention For Hearing Impairment: Appropriate, Accessible and Affordable

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Impact of the National Hearing Screening Programme in China

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Outcome of Early Cochlear Implantation

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Eliminating Iodine Deficiency: Obstacles and Their Removal

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Neuro-developmental Deficits in Early-treated Congenital Hypothyroidism

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Issues on Universal Screening for Galactosemia

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Newborn Screening for all Identifiable Disorders with Tandem Mass Spectrometry is Cost Effective: The Negative Case

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Newborn Screening for all Identifiable Disorders with Tandem Mass Spectrometry is Cost Effective: Supporting Arguments

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My Early Experiences in Establishing Neonatal Screening and the Reason for Regional Meetings of the International Society for Neonatal Screening

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Diagnosis and Management Support for an Expanded Newborn Screening Programme

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Considerations in Choosing Screening Conditions: One (US) Approach

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Neonatal Hepatic Abscess in Preterm Infants: A Rare Entity

Liver abscess has been recognised since the time of Hippocrates. The first report on liver abscess was published by Bright in 1836.1 However, reports pertaining to liver abscess in the neonatal period have been published only since the 1930s. Neonatal liver abscess is a rare entity. To our knowledge,...

Clinical Applications of Molecular Genetics: The Model of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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Newborn Screening in Japan: Restructuring for the New Era

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Improved Health and Development of Children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing Following Early Intervention

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Towards Universal Newborn Screening in Developing Countries: Obstacles and the Way Forward

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Tuberculosis Peritonitis in Negara Brunei Darussalam

There has been a resurgence of tuberculosis (TB) in many countries, including developed nations, especially with the HIV pandemic and the increase in immigration.1,2 In underdeveloped and developing nations, this infectious disease is still very common. TB peritonitis (TBP) is rarely encountered and is estimated to occur in 0.1%...

Improving Child Health – Newborn Screening for All?

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Neonatal Screening – A Global Perspective

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Prevalence of Refractive Error in Malay Primary School Children in Suburban Area of Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia

Refractive error remains one of the primary causes of visual impairment in children worldwide. Prevalence of visual impairment in children, is defined as uncorrected vision equal to or worse than 20/40, and it varies from as low as 2.72% in South Africa to as high as 15.8% in Chile. This...

Assessment of Medical Graduates Competencies

Medical professional proficiency comprises a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to efficiently accomplish the practice of medicine. The major aim of undergraduate medical education in the region is to produce doctors who are competent and able to meet the health needs of the community while also being...

When Words Really Matter

I think a lot these days about doctors giving advice. Nobody taught me, back in medical school, how to give advice. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Behavioural Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents

Overall, children spend one-third to one-half of their life sleeping. Although sleep comprises such a significant portion of a child’s day, sleep disturbances are often overlooked by healthcare practitioners. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Cardiovascular Changes in Children with Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a spectrum of diseases ranging from primary snoring to obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). A recent review suggested that the prevalence of childhood OSA diagnosed by varying criteria was 1% to 4%. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on...

Obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypopnoea Syndrome in Singapore Children

Obesity is becoming a problem of epidemic proportions and is perhaps, the most pervasive medical problem faced by medical providers today. It is a problem affecting about 10% to 15% of our school-going population in Singapore, affecting disease burden in virtually every medical subspecialty. This article is available only as...

Sleep Disorders in Children: The Singapore Perspective

Sleep problems are common in children. For example, snoring occurs in more than 25% of Singapore children1 and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) occurs in 1% to 3% of children. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Diagnosis and Evaluation of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Children

Children with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) may present with nocturnal and/or diurnal symptoms. The history is best obtained from parents, or siblings who share a bedroom, since the child is often unaware of what happens when he or she is asleep. This article is available only as a PDF. Please...

The Scope of Paediatric Sleep Medicine

Despite apparent similarities to adult sleep medicine, the disorders of paediatric sleep medicine have a distinct epidemiology and pathophysiology. During childhood, the physiology of sleep develops and matures, resulting in changing patterns of normal behaviours and of sleep disorders. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on...

Sleep Disturbances in Singaporean Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood psychiatric disorder with various studies reporting prevalence rates of between 1.7% and 16%. The most current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Diseases (DSM), fourth edition, has 2 lists of behavioural symptoms grouped under “inattentive” and “hyperactive-impulsive” symptoms,...

Inflammatory Cytokines and Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is characterised by repeated episodes of upper airway occlusion during sleep that are associated with daytime behavioural changes and abnormalities in cardiovascular function. In adults, it has been shown that OSA is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. This article is available only as a...

Nasal Obstruction in Children with Sleep-disordered Breathing

Nasal breathing is critical in infants and children; for example, neonatal choanal atresia often leads to respiratory distress and may require urgent intervention in the newborn nursery. Later, during development in the first years of life, abnormal nasal breathing has important consequences for facial growth. This article is available only...

Contemporary Results of Endopyelotomy for Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction

Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) results in the gradual dilatation of the renal collecting system, and may lead to deterioration of renal function and pain. Although traditional open pyeloplasty remains the gold standard in the treatment of this condition, endoscopic management via endopyelotomy has provided a less invasive option in...

Incidence, Risk Factors of Retinopathy of Prematurity Among Very Low Birth Weight Infants in Singapore

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is characterised by abnormal vascular development of retina in premature infants.1 Recent advances in neonatal care have improved the survival rates for premature infants,2 and this has been accompanied by an increase in the incidence of ROP.3-5 ROP is a leading cause of childhood blindness6,7...

Immunogenicity, Reactogenicity and Safety of a Diphtheria-Tetanus-Acellular Pertussis-Inactivated Polio and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Combination Vaccine in a Placebo-controlled Rotavirus Vaccine Study

Singapore’s national immunisation programme for the 6 traditional Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) vaccines (i.e. BCG, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and measles) and hepatitis B has been in place for many years and its success has been dramatic. Despite being previously endemic to Singapore in the 1950s, diphtheria has...

Transfusion-dependent Microcytic Anaemia in a 10-year-old Girl

A 10-year-girl from Bangladesh presented with a moderately severe anaemia (lowest recorded haemoglobin level of 5.6 g/dL) and a mild jaundice (latest serum bilirubin, 31 μmol/L) 3 years ago (Figs. 1 and 2). Test for haemoglobin electrophoresis on agarose gel did not reveal any abnormal bands. This article is available...

Caudal Regression Syndrome

A white female with an uncomplicated history of birth delivery and a familial history of diabetes mellitus presented to the orthopaedic clinic at the age of 16 months old with bowel dysfunction, inability to walk, one kidney, and a gibbus noted at T12. A “frog-like” appearance was noted of...

3rd College of Paediatrics and Child Health Lecture – The Past, the Present and the Shape of Things to Come…

In the post-war days of the 1950s, Singapore children were faced with problems of malnutrition and infectious diseases. There was poverty, overcrowded housing and lack of hygiene, and the social conditions were apparently appalling. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to...

Auricular Anthropometry of Newborns at the Singapore General Hospital

Abnormalities of the external ear are described in many syndromes and genetic conditions. Melnick et al reported an incidence of 1 in 90 births for external ear malformations and branchial sinuses and tags, with about 1 in 670 births having malformations of the pinna. This article is available only as...

Clinical Evaluation of Arthroscopic-assisted Allograft Meniscal Transplantation

The menisci of the knee are fibro-cartilaginous structures essential for the normal biomechanic of the knee joint. They play a critical role in shock absorption, load transmission, joint lubrication and congruency, nutrition, stability of the knee and facilitating the rotation of the opposing articular surfaces of the joint. This article...

Treatment of Cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedema by Helmet-delivered Non-invasive Pressure Support Ventilation in Children With Scorpion Sting Envenomation

Scorpion stings represent an important and serious public health problem worldwide due to their high incidence and potentially severe and often fatal clinical manifestations, especially among children. The severity of the envenomation is related to haemodynamic and cardiorespiratory alterations, with cardiac failure and cardiogenic pulmonary oedema being the major...

Screening Tools for Bacteraemia in a Selected Population of Febrile Children

Bacteraemia refers to the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream. The presence or absence of toxicity differentiates occult bacteraemia, which is relatively asymptomatic, from bacteraemia and sepsis, which is accompanied by findings of serious systemic illness. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on...

Review of the Management Outcome of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis and the Role of Prophylactic Contra-lateral Pinning Re-examined

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is the commonest hip problem in the adolescent age group. The goals of treatment are aimed at avoiding the complications of osteonecrosis and chondrolysis, preventing further slips, and promoting physeal closure. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top...

Pattern and Outcome of Subsidised Referrals to Cardiology Specialist Outpatient Clinics

Singapore faces an increasing demand for public healthcare from an ageing population in need of chronic care. At our cardiology specialist outpatient clinics, the volume of new cardiology subsidised outpatients has increased at an average of 12.8% per annum for the past 10 years. This article is available only as...

Measuring the Quality of Care of Diabetic Patients at the Specialist Outpatient Clinics in Public Hospitals in Singapore

Singapore is a country with a high prevalence of diabetes mellitus, 1 8.2% amongst its population aged between 18 and 69 years,2 and is joint second in the world for “pre-diabetes” after Nauru. 3 About 17% of all patients admitted to 3 acute hospitals in the National Healthcare Group...

The Role of Electrophysiology in the Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy

Cervical spondylosis is an extremely common condition managed by both physicians and surgeons in daily clinical practice. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM), resulting from longstanding degenerative impingement of the spinal cord and nerve roots by osteo-cartilagineous elements, is managed by conservative or surgical methods.1 While surgery is often performed in...

The Role of Surgery in High-grade Glioma – Is Surgical Resection Justified? A Review of the Current Knowledge

High-grade glioma (malignant glioma) is the most common primary intra-axial tumour of the central nervous system (CNS). Despite recent therapeutic advances in glioma treatment, the outcome for high-grade glioma has been disappointing. The first reported case of glioma resection was performed by Rickman Godlee in 1884.1 More than a...

Epidemiology, Management and Treatment Outcome of Medulloblastoma in Singapore

Medulloblastoma (MBL) is the most common type of malignant brain tumour in childhood. It belongs to the group of tumours known as primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET), which is a highly malignant, small round blue cell tumour of the central nervous system. The term “medulloblastoma” is classically reserved for PNETs...

Paediatric perineal skin pit: More than skin deep?

A 2.5-year-old boy was referred to our clinic for abnormal genitalia and a febrile urinary tract infection (Escherichia coli >105 colony-forming units/mL). At birth, his parents were informed that he had a “bilobed scrotum and a deep perineal skin pit” that may pose hygiene and cosmetic issues. They had...

The Effect of Temperature on Illness Severity in Emergency Department Congestive Heart Failure Patients

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality around the world. It is estimated that more than 5 million people in the United States (USA) have CHF.1,2 The annual number of deaths and hospitalisations resulting from CHF has increased steadily to reach almost...

Retinoblastoma: A Recent Experience at the National University Hospital, Singapore

Retinoblastoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in infants and children.1 Worldwide, the incidence is 1 in 18,000 to 34,000 live births with an estimation of 5000 to 8000 new cases.2,3 The Singapore Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR), a hospital based cancer registry that includes all children less than...

Recurrent Group B Streptococcal Septicemia in a Very Low Birth Weight Infant with Infective Endocarditis and Submandibular Cellulitis

Maternal Group B streptococcal colonisation can lead to neonatal pneumonia, meningitis or sepsis. Neonatal Group B Streptococcal (GBS) sepsis is common, but infective endocarditis is rare. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Morbidity of Parainfluenza 3 Outbreak in Preterm Infants in a Neonatal Unit

Parainfluenza type 3 virus (PIV-3) is an important nosocomial pathogen. It closely mimics respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in its clinical presentations, and in infants. It is the second commonest cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis after RSV. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on...

Development of a Diabetes Registry to Improve Quality of Care in the National Healthcare Group in Singapore

In the last decade, the use of electronic medical records (EMR) has been widely recommended as a method for reducing errors, improving the quality of health care, and reducing costs in ambulatory care settings.1-9 EMRs have been shown to improve the quality of care for patients with chronic illnesses,...

An Unexpected Outcome following Radial Head Excision for Jeffrey Type II Fracture-Dislocation of the Proximal Radius in a Child

We present a case of a 10-year-old child who sustained a traumatic fracture-dislocation of his proximal radius and subsequently underwent surgical removal of the radial head. At 3 years of follow-up, he had regained full painless flexion and extension with loss of pronosupination. This article is available only as a...

Temporary Tattoo Associated Type IV Delayed Hypersensitivity Dermatitis in a Child – A Case Report and Call for Parental Caution in Singapore

A 5-year-old, previously healthy French Caucasian boy was seen at a Paediatric Emergency Department for a skin rash over his left forearm. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

A Case of Congenital Haemolytic Anaemia and Thrombocytopenia

A 20-month-old boy came from Bangladesh to Singapore for medical consultation. He presented with progressive pallor, easy bruising, intermittent dark-coloured urine, and failure to thrive since birth. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

An Exanthem with An Annular Pattern in a 2-year-old Girl

A 2-year-old Chinese girl was seen in clinic with an erythematous annular itchy rash which began on the thighs and had spread to the trunk and hands. The parent’s concern was the rash’s duration and association with 2 episodes of fever. This article is available only as a PDF. Please...

Clinical Features Differentiating Biliary Atresia from Other Causes of Neonatal Cholestasis

Causes of neonatal cholestasis (NC) are long and diverse but the responses of newborn liver, either physiological or anatomical, are limited. This is because the ability of a developing liver of responding in the face of a variety of insults are limited. This article is available only as a PDF....

Comparison of Clinical Outcomes and Cost Between Surgical and Transcatheter Device Closure of Atrial Septal Defects in Singapore Children

Congenital heart defects (CHD), with an incidence of approximately 1 in 100 live births, are the most important and frequent congenital malformations. It can cause significant morbidity and mortality in children as well as adults. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top...

Bannayan Riley Ruvalcaba Syndrome

Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS) classically presents with macrocephaly, subcutaneous and visceral lipomata, haemangiomata, hamartomatous intestinal polyps and pigmented macules involving the genitalia. This autosomal dominant disorder is linked to germline mutations of the phosphatase and tensine homologue gene (PTEN), a tumour suppressor gene which has a significant role in the...

Are New Resuscitation Guidelines Better? Experience of an Asian Metropolitan Hospital

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a substantial public health burden that has poor prognosis. Patients who receive “good” and “high-quality” cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) have better outcomes. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome

An 8-year-old boy presented with uncontrolled seizures. He was born as the second child to non-consanguineous parents. He had significant perinatal asphyxia in the newborn period. He had developmental delay since infancy and was noticed to have right-sided tonic clonic seizures since the age of 3 years, which was...

Childhood Food Allergy: A Singaporean Perspective

Food allergy is defined as reaction to a food which has an immunologic mechanism. If immunoglobulin E (IgE) is involved in the reaction, the term IgE-mediated food allergy is appropriate. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defects – Is Balloon Sizing Still Necessary?

Device closure of atrial septal defects through the transcatheter approach has now been well accepted as an option to surgical treatment. A range of devices has been developed for use over the years, with significant advances achieved in terms of profile and safety. This article is available only as a...

Survey of Healthcare Workers’ Attitudes, Beliefs and Willingness to Receive the 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine and the Impact of Educational Campaigns

Since the first positive 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) case was reported in Singapore on 26 May 2009, the country saw an exponential rise in numbers of infected cases despite initial containment followed by mitigation efforts. Local incidence for acute upper respiratory infections (which was a reasonable surrogate for...

Reply from Author: Is It Time to Revise the Definition of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

We would like to thank the author for suggesting that the definition of ADHD should be revised. This is an important consideration in the light of some of the points raised such as frequent comorbidities that occur with ADHD as is the case of Autistic disorder and other conditions...

Is It Time to Revise the Definition of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

I read with interest the article published in the Annals entitled “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Coping or Curing?”, which concluded that coping rather than curing for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is taking place. There are some evidence-based points that should be noted. This article is available only as a...

Development of Bariatric Surgery: The Effectiveness of a Multi-disciplinary Weight Management Programme in Hong Kong

Obesity is one of the most common chronic illnesses in the Western World with a frequency of 10% to 15%. It causes or exacerbates many diseases and is associated with major physical and psychological disability. Data from US national population surveys have shown that the prevalence of being overweight...

Dedicated Cytogenetics Factor is Critical for Improving Karyotyping Results for Childhood Leukaemias – Experience in the National University Hospital, Singapore 1989-2006

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) make up the bulk of childhood leukaemia cases. With risk stratified therapy being one of the cornerstones of the treatment of childhood leukaemia, it is important to determine the prognostic factors on which risk stratified therapy depends. This article is available...

Epidemiological Surveillance and Control of Rubella in Singapore, 1991-2007

Rubella is a mild febrile viral exanthematous disease transmitted through droplets or direct contact with the nasopharyngeal secretion of an infected person. It is of public health importance because of the teratogenic effects of the virus on the developing fetus. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click...

Emerging Trends in Breastfeeding Practices in Singaporean Chinese Women: Findings from a Population-based Study

The health benefits of breast milk have been well documented, with positive implications for infants’ metabolic, immunologic, respiratory and digestive health. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and partial breastfeeding thereafter for at least 12 or 24 months....

A Missed Bilateral Choanal Atresia

What do you see in the image? a) Deviated posterior nasal septum b) Nasopharyngeal tumour c) Rhinolith with mucous plug d) Bilateral choanal atresia e) Nasal pyriform aperture stenosis This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Health-related Quality of Life in Children with Cancer Undergoing Treatment: A First Look at the Singapore Experience

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) has been progressively acknowledged as an essential health outcome measure in clinical trials and health services research and evaluation. HRQOL, compared to QOL, is a more defined conceptual term which encompasses only health-related aspects of life directly amenable to healthcare services and medical products. This...

Validation of the Paediatric Hearing Impairment Caregiver Experience (PHICE) Questionnaire

The stress experienced by parents of children with hearing impairment (HI) has been studied over the past 2 decades. Increased parenting stress is often associated with developmental problems such as delay in language acquisition, social and emotional problems. The stress that parents endure fluctuates as they go through the...

A Comparison of the Short-term Morbidity and Mortality Between Late Preterm and Term Newborns

Late preterm infants are defined as those who are born between the gestational age (GA) from 34 weeks and 0/7 days through 36 weeks and 6/7 days. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Chinese Preschoolers in Singapore

The increasing prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity and its associated adverse health outcomes have become an important health issue. Childhood obesity can persist into adulthood and increases the risk of cardiovascular metabolic diseases, giving rise to an increased healthcare burden. In Singapore, the prevalence of obesity for adults...

Short- and Long-Term Outcomes at 2, 5 and 8 Years Old for Neonates at Borderline Viability—An 11-Year Experience

Singapore was listed consistently among the top 3 countries in the world with the lowest infant mortality rate. In particular, Asia had seen its infant mortality rate improve dramatically with time. Advances in perinatal care had however, failed to improve the survival of extremely low birth weight infants of...

Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in Malaysian infants

Vitamin D deficiency, a worldwide health problem, is also prevalent in tropical countries. It is estimated that 15% of the world’s population are either vitamin D deficient or insufficient. In a study on the state of Kelantan in Malaysia (2010–2012), 60% of pregnant women were vitamin D deficient. Maternal...

Impact of true fetal mosaicism on prenatal screening and diagnosis

Over the past decade, the non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) has increasingly been used as a method for prenatal screening for trisomy 21 (T21) and other aneuploidies, complementing the traditional approach of first trimester screening (FTS). FTS comprises ultrasound of the nuchal thickness and blood test to measure the levels...

Paediatric emergency department attendances during COVID-19 and SARS in Singapore

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020, with over 110 million cumulative cases worldwide to date and a case fatality rate of approximately 1%. In comparison, the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) had 8,422 cumulative...

Epidemiology and risk stratification of minor head injuries in school-going children

Head injuries are common childhood injuries that present to paediatric emergency departments. Falls are the most common cause in young children, while contact sports and road traffic injuries are common causes in school-going children. Majority of paediatric head injury cases are mild traumatic brain injuries, defined as a Glasgow...

Perinatal Drug Abuse in KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital

In recent years, perinatal drug abuse has been emerging as an area of major concern for the perinatologists. Chasnoff found the prevalence of substance abuse in a pregnant population to be approximately 11% (range 0.4% to 27%) in a survey of 35 perinatal centres in the United States. This article...