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Dear Editor, Constipation is a common gastrointestinal disorder, affecting about 15% of the global population and severely impacting patients’ quality of life.1 The global constipation treatment market is estimated to worth USD22.93 billion in 2025. Patients with functional constipation had the highest treatment dissatisfaction at 63.4%. Poor satisfaction was reported...

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Response to letters arising from publication of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore clinical guideline on the use of sedation by non-anaesthesiologists during gastrointestinal endoscopy in the hospital setting

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Psychiatric Illness, Personality Traits and the Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Clinical Update on Helicobacter pylori

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Boerhaave’s Syndrome Presenting as a Right-sided Pleural Effusion

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Modern Management of Colorectal Polyps: Are They All Premalignant?

Polyps of the colon and rectum are relatively common lesions. Most colorectal polyps are either adenomas or hyperplastic polyps. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Autoimmune Liver Disease in Children

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Academy of Medicine, Singapore clinical guideline on the use of sedation by non-anaesthesiologists during gastrointestinal endoscopy in the hospital setting

The practice of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy over the last 3 decades has seen both a rise in volume of routine procedures, and an increase in the breadth and complexity of procedures. Routine endoscopies have increased due to a growth in population size, and the introduction of guidelines is needed...

The impact of deprescribing interventions on oral proton pump inhibitor utilisation in a Singapore tertiary hospital: A quality improvement initiative

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Ensuring safe sedation during gastroendoscopy

Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy started in Singapore in 1968 with diagnostic endoscopic gastric examination, using flexible fibre-optics GI endoscopy. Fibre-optic flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy were introduced later. Most of these procedures were performed then without sedation. The patients needed to cooperate with the endoscopists and inability to complete the endoscopic...

Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp of the Caecum in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis

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Appropriateness of the Use of Parenteral Nutrition in a Local Tertiary-Care Hospital

Parenteral nutrition (PN) is an important supportive and often life-saving therapy for patients with gut failure. However, it is expensive and carries significant complications such as electrolyte disturbances, hyperglycaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, hepatobiliary complications and line-related complications. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top...

A Bolt Out of the Blue: A Case of Unexpected Acute Liver Failure

Acute hepatitis could result from viral, autoimmune or drug-reaction causes, among others. In areas endemic with hepatitis B, acute exacerbations of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) are the commonest cause. Hence, in Singapore where 4% of the population are hepatitis B carriers, when faced with acute hepatitis in a patient...

Does the Advent of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Sound the Death Knell for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)?

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Hepatitis B Virus Infection and the Risk of Coronary Atherosclerosis

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Ceftriaxone-resistant Salmonella spp. in Singapore

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Ten-year Series of Splenic Abscesses in a General Hospital in Singapore

Splenic abscess is an uncommon clinical problem. Fewer than 800 cases have been reported in the literature. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Charity Colonoscopy Event to Commemorate the 185th Anniversary of Singapore General Hospital

Colorectal cancer is now the cancer with the highest incidence in Singapore. Similar to many developed countries, individuals here have a moderate to high risk of developing colorectal cancer in their lifetime. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the...

Guidelines for Endoscopic Ultrasonography

This guideline addresses the use of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) as part of the diagnostic evaluation of certain conditions. In addition, issues of training and credentialing in EUS and complications of this procedure are also dealt with, within these guidelines. EUS combines features of endoscopy and ultrasonography in order to...

Diagnostic Challenge: A 79-Year-Old Woman with Calcified Lower Abdomen Mass

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Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration: Our First 50 Cases

Since its introduction a few decades ago, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) has brought about a significant change in the management of choledocholithiasis. With continual improvement in the technology and expertise in laparoscopic techniques, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (CBDE) is becoming more popular and may be the next paradigm...

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome: Data from the Singapore Polyposis Registry and a Shifting Paradigm in Management

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS) is an uncommon autosomal dominant hamartomatous polyposis syndrome associated with mucocutaneous melanocytic macules. Melanin deposition occurs most commonly in the perioral region and buccal mucosa, but these maccules may also be found on the hands, feet and perianal regions. This article is available only as a PDF....

Thrombocytopenia and its Related Factors: A Hospital-based, Cross-sectional Study

Thrombocytopenia is a common clinical problem found in laboratory results during health examinations. Blood platelets play an essential role in haemostasis, thrombosis and coagulation of blood. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.

Fasting during Ramadan and Associated Changes in Glycaemia, Caloric Intake and Body Composition with Gender Differences in Singapore

Muslim individuals worldwide participate in obligatory abstinence from oral consumption of medications, food and liquid during the fasting month of Ramadan. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. However, Islam exempts individuals whose health may be significantly affected from fasting. Despite this, up to 80%...

Assessment of Age in Ulcerative Colitis Patients with Ileal Pouch Creation—An Evaluation of Outcomes

A total proctocolectomy is considered the standard of care in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). The indications for this operation in patients with UC include failure of medical treatment or dysplastic changes following endoscopic evaluation. The timing of the surgery could hence be highly variable among patients. This article is...

Congenital adhesion band causing recurrent subacute intestinal obstruction in a virgin abdomen

Intestinal obstruction (IO) caused by malignancy and adhesion bands from previous surgery is common among adults. However, IO caused by congenital adhesion bands (CAB) in the elderly is rare. We report a case of a 63-year-old man who presented with acute-on-chronic intestinal obstruction due to CAB, which caused pseudointestinal...