Letter to the Editor
Enhancing care in nursing homes: Qualitative insights from the ENHANCE programme
Dear Editor,
Empower Nursing Homes And improve staNdards of CarE (ENHANCE) was a pilot programme introduced by Sengkang General Hospital to address the challenges faced by Singapore’s ageing population. With nearly 1 in 4 Singaporeans projected to be aged 65 years and above by 2030, the demand for effective long-term...
Review Article
Optimising dementia screening in community-dwelling older adults: A rapid review of brief diagnostic tools in Singapore
Persons living with dementia experience chronic and progressive cognitive decline in 1 or more cognitive domains, affecting their everyday activities.1 Globally, the number of persons living with dementia is expected to rise from 55 million in 2019 to 139 million in 2050, with an estimated two-thirds in lower- and...
Original Article
Unplanned hospitalisations among subsidised nursing home residents in Singapore: Insights from a data linkage study
Hospitalisations pose hazards and safety risks to nursing home (NH) residents who may be frail, cognitively impaired, suffering from multi-morbidities and physically dependent,1 with propensity to develop adverse outcomes such as functional, psychological or cognitive decline, iatrogenic complications, and be subjected to over-investigation.2 There is an imperative for health...
Original Article
Enhancing guidelines for managing cognitively impaired drivers: Insights from Western evidence for Asian adaptation
Licensing authorities rely on medical certifications of fitness-to-drive when renewing licence for drivers who are at higher risk of crashes. Drivers with cognitive impairment are 2 to 8 times more likely to be involved in a crash compared to those without such impairments,1 and studies show they have a...
Original Article
Impact of family and caregiver factors on development and behaviours in maltreated young children
Child maltreatment is defined as the neglect and abuse of children under 18 years old. It encompasses physical/emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, negligence and/or exploitation that causes harm to the child.1 Evidence has shown that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as maltreatment experienced during childhood, have a significant impact on...
Original Article
Assessing the impact of frailty in elderly patients undergoing emergency laparotomies in Singapore
The ageing population is a growing global phenomenon. In 2019, 14.4% of the population in Singapore, equivalent to 3.9 million people, were aged 65 years or older.1 This percentage is expected to increase to 25% by 2030, primarily due to increased life expectancy and lower fertility rates.1 Consequently, older...
The value of frailty assessments in older surgical patients undergoing emergency laparotomies in Singapore
Mortality in emergency laparotomy (EL) far exceeds that of elective bowel surgery, and standards for the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) in the UK were introduced due to the high mortality within 1 month of EL.1 In Singapore, 30-day mortality varies between 5.4% and 14.7% after EL.2,3 However, 30-day...
Original Article
Frailty-aware surgical care: Validation of Hospital Frailty Risk Score (HFRS) in older surgical patients
Frailty is a clinically recognisable state of vulnerability in older people, resulting from age-associated decline in physiological reserves and function across multiple organ systems, such that the ability to cope with acute stressors is compromised.1 Frailty is prevalent among older people2 and is associated with higher rates of utilisation...
Letter to the Editor
Emergency department falls interventions improve osteoporosis management in frail older adults
Dear Editor,
Singapore’s population is ageing rapidly and by 2030, around 1 in 4 citizens will be aged 65 and above.1 Older adults represent 21–40% of emergency department (ED) users and proportionally are the highest users of ED services.2
One-third of community dwellers over 65 years of age fall each year,...
Original Article
Transitional care strategies at emergency department for elderly patients: A multicentre study in Singapore
In Singapore, greater efforts are being directed towards developing an integrated health and social ecosystem under the new Healthier SG strategy announced by the Ministry of Health. This life-course approach aims to promote overall healthier living in collaboration with key community partners (e.g. intermediate and long-term care service providers)...
Original Article
Low skeletal muscle mass predicts poor prognosis of elderly patients after emergency laparotomy: A single Asian institution experience
Emergency laparotomy (ELAP) for elderly patients is associated with higher mortality and increased postoperative complications compared with those undergoing elective surgery.1-3 Elderly patients, who are more likely to have comorbidities, have lower functional reserves to cope with the increased physiological demand due to their acute illness and eventual surgical...
Review Article
Nutrition therapy in the older critically ill patients: A scoping review
The increasing levels of life expectancy and decreasing fertility are shifting the age structure of the world population towards older ages.1 From year 2020 to 2050, population aged ≥65 years is expected to rise from 9.3% to 16%.1 The number of older intensive care unit (ICU) patients are expected...
ICU nutrition: Bracing for the silver tsunami
The global population’s life expectancy is growing with a steady increase in the proportion of older patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).1 Up to 13% of the ICU patients are above the age of 80.2 Older critically ill patients have lower physiological reserves of the various organ...
Original Article
Cost analysis of a Patient-Centred Medical Home for community-dwelling older adults with complex needs in Singapore
The Patient-Centred Medical Home (PCMH) is a model of chronic care that replaces episodic primary care, with the delivery of primary care to patients, families and communities. It is guided by the principles of first-contact accessibility, comprehensiveness and whole-person orientation, integration and care coordination, sustained clinician-patient relationships, and quality...
Review Article
Determinants of emergency department utilisation by older adults in Singapore: A systematic review
Older adults in Singapore contribute to a disproportionately higher number of visits to the emergency department (ED), mirroring trends around the world.1,2 For instance, hospital admissions among those aged ≥65 years have been on the rise from 2018 to 2020, contributing a growing burden to ED services over the...
Original Article
A Descriptive Study of the Demography, Symptomology, Management and Outcome of the First 300 Patients Admitted to an Independent Hospice in Singapore
Modern society views death as an aberration which has to be postponed and, if possible, prevented at all cost. Death is just unacceptable and cannot be regarded as a natural process of life.
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Original Article
Day Hospital Rehabilitation for the Elderly: A Retrospective Study
Alexandra Hospital is the first hospital in Singapore with a Day Hospital for the elderly. One of the main functions of the Day Hospital is to rehabilitate the disabled elderly.
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Original Article
Self-Perception of Health among Elderly Community Dwellers in Singapore
The single most important determinant of the quality of an elderly person’s life is health. In the elderly, health matters affect all other areas of life, including his willing ness to seek and accept help.
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Chryseobacterium meningosepticum (Flavobacterium meningosepticum)—A Report of Five Cases in a Local Hospital
Chryseobacterium meningosepticum has been known to be a causative agent of meningitis particularly in the premature and newborn infants. The first case of human infection with this organism was reported by King in 1959.
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Bilateral Caudate Infarct—A Case Report
The head of caudate nucleus forms a prominent bulge in the lateral wall of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle. Its blood supply is from the deep penetrators from the middle cerebral and anterior cerebral arteries.
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Original Article
Perceived Need for Community Geriatric Services: A Survey at a Regional Hospital in Singapore in an Inpatient Setting
Singapore has one of the most rapidly ageing populations in the wor1d. The number of the very aged (>75 years old) has already increased from 42,700 in 1985 to 75,500 in 1995.
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Original Article
The Reliability and Validity of the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog) among the Elderly Chinese in Hong Kong
The Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) is a 21-item scale designed to assess the severity of cognitive and non-cognitive impairment in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
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Original Article
Screening for Hearing Impairment in Hospitalised Elderly
The prevalence of hearing impairment in the local elderly population is not known. Hearing loss prevalence estimates that 25% to 40% of individuals over 65 years of age are hearing impaired. However, there is no universal agreement on the definition of “normal hearing” and comparison between studies that report...
Original Article
End-of-life Issues—Preferences and Choices of a Group of Elderly Chinese Subjects Attending a Day Care Centre in Singapore
Doctors caring for elderly, dying and terminally ill patients are often faced with the dilemma of having to make difficult decisions especially regarding treatment where the benefit and burden is not clearly defined. Issues relating to death and dying, such as whether to disclose the diagnosis and prognosis to...
Preparing for the silver boom: A falls prevention tool for older adults in the emergency department
Each year, 28–35% of community dwelling adults over 65 years fall.1 This figure increases to about 50% for those above 80 years old.2 Falls also account for 85% of all geriatric trauma presenting to the emergency department (ED) in Singapore,3 with the crude incidence rate of unintentional falls at...
Original Article
Incidence and risk factors of delirium in post-anaesthesia care unit
Post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) delirium is defined as a disorder in thought processes that affect cognition in terms of memory, comprehension and attention.1 It has a strong association with postoperative delirium, which is present in up to 45% of patients after surgery.2-5 PACU is a wide-reaching problem, and especially...
Delirium in patients following general anaesthesia
Delirium is a disturbance of consciousness characterised by an acute onset and fluctuating course of inattention, accompanied by either a change in cognition or a disorganised thinking, resulting in an impaired ability of the patient to receive, process, store and recall information. Delirium develops over a short period of...
Original Article
Critical Role of Functional Decline in Delayed Discharge from an Acute Geriatric Unit
In the last decade, many countries have experienced alarming transformation in their demographic patterns, with the elderly population emerging as the fastest growing segment of the population. Owing to their generally poorer health status in terms of chronic illnesses and long-term disability, the elderly consume a disproportionate amount of...
Original Article
Urinary Retention in Hospitalised Older Women
Voiding dysfunction is a relatively common problem in hospitalised older patients. Up to one-third of hospitalised elderly were reported to have post-void residual urine volume (PRUV) of more than 50 mL.
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Original Article
Body Mass Index and Its Related Factors in the Elderly
Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in developed countries, especially among the elderly. In Taiwan, cardiovascular disease is the third leading cause of death after neoplasm and cerebrovascular disease.
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Original Article
The Practice of Foregoing Life Support in the Critically Ill “Old Old”: A Singapore Perspective
Studies on the foregoing of life support (FLS) in North America, Europe and Australia have shown diversity in terms of the incidence, decision-making process and outcome. However, they have not specifically looked into such practice in the elderly.
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Review Article
The Impact of Swallowing Disorders in the Elderly
In 1898, Bastian first reported on the case of a man who had been admitted to hospital with hemiplegia and aphasia, but who had transient difficulty in deglutition. Necropsy revealed that apart from two limited lesions in the left hemisphere, the patient’s brain was normal.
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Original Article
Early Unplanned Readmission of Elderly in Singapore: A Retrospective Study
The number of elderly people in Singapore is expected to increase over the next 2 decades. The proportion of those 60 years and above is estimated to increase from the present 11% to 27% by the year 2030.
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Original Article
Epidemiology of Beta-haemolytic Group G Streptococcal Bacteraemia in Singapore (1996 to 1998)
Human isolates of group G streptococci (GGS) that form large colonies are similar to group A streptococci (GAS) in terms of virulence and cause a range of serious infections. These included infective endocarditis which had been emphasised in older reports1 but was found to be uncommon in later studies.
Original Article
Correlates of Habitual Walking and Sports/Leisure-time Physical Activity in Older Persons in Singapore: Interaction Effects Between Educational Attainment and Gender
Physical inactivity has been identified as a major cause of morbidity and mortality secondary to cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. It contributes to the loss of physiological and psychological capabilities that result in overall reduction in function and independent living.
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Original Article
Nursing Home Falls: A Local Perspective
Falls in the elderly has been a well-studied subject and now occupies an important place in geriatric medicine. While many studies have been done on falls in community-dwelling elderly, relatively few studies have focused on the problem in institutionalised elderly.
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Original Article
Bedside Clinical Methods Useful as Screening Test for Aspiration in Elderly Patients with Recent and Previous Strokes
Cerebrovascular disease is the fifth commonest cause of hospitalisation in Singapore, and accounts for 2.7% of all hospital discharges. Neurogenic dysphagia is a common complication of stroke disease and it has been shown that post stroke dysphagic patients have 6.95 times higher risk of developing pneumonia when compared to...
Review Article
End-of-life Care: Challenges and Obligations in Setting Limits to Life-sustaining Therapy
A patient with recurrent stroke disease and severe pneumonia did not respond to the previous courses of antibiotics. The medical team decided to switch to another broad-spectrum antibiotic.
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Review Article
Considerations in the Assessment and Management of Older People with Chronic Pain
Persistent pain has been estimated to occur in 50% of community dwelling older people of age 65 years and above. It has been associated with multiple functional and psychological complications.
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Review Article
Late-life Depression: Current Issues and New Challenges
Depression in late life (>60 years old) is one of the most common and treatable psychiatric disorders in the elderly. It not only causes distress and suffering, but leads to impairment of physical, mental and social functioning, worsens prognosis for certain medical conditions, aggravates suicidal risk and increases utilisation...
Review Article
Neurofibrillary and Ethico-legal Tangles: In Search of Surrogates for Dementia Patients Lacking Decision-making Capacity and Relatives
Dementia is an age-prevalent chronic degenerative disease that causes gradual and progressive deterioration of a patient’s cognitive abilities. With Singapore’s rapidly ageing population, the prevalence of dementia has been rising inevitably and steadily.
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Review Article
Assessing Decision-making Capacity in Dementia Patients: A Semi-structured Approach
Given the rapid ageing of Singapore, all practising clinicians can expect to see an exponential rise in the medical and surgical problems of the elderly. One such condition is dementia.
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Review Article
An Evidence-based Clinical Approach to the Diagnosis of Dementia
The prevalence of dementia or cognitive impairment in local studies has been shown to range from 2% to 13%. These differences in prevalence rates depend very much on the sensitivities of the different locally validated cognitive screening instruments used, as some may be better at detecting early dementia and,...
Review Article
Urinary Incontinence in Older Persons: A Simple Approach to a Complex Problem
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine which is objectively demonstrable and is a social or hygienic problem. Trivial as it may sound, it is in fact a major geriatric syndrome which may pose as major public health threat with increasing magnitude in this ageing society, due to...
Review Article
The Development of Geriatric Psychiatry Services in Singapore
The population of Singapore is ageing. In 2002, it was estimated that there were 252,700 persons aged >65 years, forming 7.5% of the population. By 2030, there will be 794,000, forming 18.4% of the population.
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Review Article
Aged Care Issues and Services in Australia
In Australia, the number of elderly people is increasing rapidly. In 2001, the population of Australia was approximately 19 million people and about 12.6% of this population were >65 years old.
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Review Article
Aged Care Services in Singapore – An Overview
The last century has witnessed the establishment of geriatric medicine as a well-recognised medical specialty supported by a respectable body of evidence, which shows that it is able to improve the health outcomes of frail older persons. Since the pioneering work of Marjory Warren in the 1930s, different models...
Challenges in Geriatric Medicine: Geriatric Services and Education
Ignatz Nascher first proposed disease and medical care of the aged as a separate specialty and invented the term “geriatrics” in 1909. However, the growth of geriatric medicine and healthcare of the elderly is often attributed to the pioneering work of Majorie Warren who successfully treated and rehabilitated seemingly...
Emergency Department Usage by Community Step-Down Facilities – Patterns and Recommendations
It is projected that elderly persons will make up 18.4% of Singapore’s population by the year 2030. Currently, there are 5189 residents staying in nursing homes.
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Critically Ill Elderly Who Require Mechanical Ventilation: The Effects of Age on Survival Outcomes and Resource Utilisation in the Medical Intensive Care Unit of a General Hospital
Increasing life expectancy and ageing of the “post-war baby boomer” generation have led to the rapidly ageing demographic of many Asian countries. Singapore’s elderly population above the age of 65 will rise from 7.5% in 2002 to 18.9% by the year 2030.
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Original Article
Thyroid Dysfunction in Elderly Patients
Symptoms and signs of thyroid dysfunction in the elderly tend to be atypical and may be mistakenly attributed to the ageing process. Currently, thyroid function tests are performed on patients who manifest signs and symptoms of overt thyroid disease or as part of the investigations for dementia in the...
Original Article
Improving the Diagnosis Related Grouping Model’s Ability to Explain Length of Stay of Elderly Medical Inpatients by Incorporating Function-linked Variables
Casemix refers to the numbers and types of patients within a healthcare setting and Diagnosis Related Groupings (DRGs) represent one mode of classifying casemix. In essence, DRGs are categories of clinically meaningful patient conditions which require similar levels of hospital resources for their treatment.
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Original Article
Impact of a Pharmacist Consult Clinic on a Hospital-based Geriatric Outpatient Clinic in Singapore
A general philosophy in the care of elderly patients is to use the least drugs possible to achieve the desired clinical outcome. In the United States (US), however, although patients >65 years old represent only 13% of the total population, they consume nearly 30% of all prescription medications.
This article...
Original Article
Polypharmacy and Inappropriate Medication Use in Singapore Nursing Homes
The elderly usually have multiple medical problems, requiring prescription drugs to treat diseases and to prevent complications arising from them. Currently, in the United States, those who are 65 years and older (geriatric age group) make up 13% of the total population but consume 33% of all prescription drugs.
Original Article
Evaluation of Dementia: The Case for Neuroimaging All Mild to Moderate Cases
Dementia has been reported to affect 4% to 13% of individuals above the age of 65, with the difference in prevalence rates being dependent on the screening tools used and the criteria adopted for the diagnosis of dementia. The evaluation of any individual presenting with suspected dementia has a...
Original Article
Are Sensory and Cognitive Declines Associated in Older Persons Seeking Aged Care Services? Findings From a Pilot Study
Many cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have reported an association between sensory and cognitive functions in the normal ageing population. Few studies have assessed the association between sensory and cognitive impairment as most studies on cognitive ageing excluded those with sensory and cognitive impairments.
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Original Article
Factors Causing Delay in Discharge of Elderly Patients in an Acute Care Hospital
With the introduction of block budget for acute care hospitals, cost containment is an important issue for all secondary and tertiary hospitals. Though health care cost was rising at a rate of 31.2% between the year 2002 and 2003, it is important to keep the cost of health care...
Original Article
Factors Associated With Functional Decline of Hospitalised Older Persons Following Discharge From an Acute Geriatric Unit
Hospitalisation is a stressful event for the older person. The physiological changes associated with ageing, such as decreased muscle strength and aerobic activity, reduced bone density, altered appetite and tendency towards urinary incontinence, predispose older patients to complications during hospitalisation. Studies have shown that about one-third of older persons...
Original Article
Attitudes of First-year Medical Students in Singapore Towards Older People and Willingness to Consider a Career in Geriatric Medicine
With the exponential increase in the elderly population in Singapore, the training of young physicians of tomorrow in the care of elderly patients will need to change accordingly. A potential way to fulfill this need is to increase the number of specialists proportionately to manage elderly patients effectively.
This article...
Review Article
The Prevalence of Psychological and Psychiatric Sequelae of Cancer in the Elderly – How Much Do We Know?
Across the globe, there has been a rapid increase in the absolute and relative numbers of older persons. According to the 1993 World Bank report, the number of people aged 65 and above will form 1 in 4 of the population in 2025.1 The projected percentage increase in the...
Alzheimer’s Disease – Towards More Patient-centred and Meaningful Clinical Outcomes
More than 100 years ago Alois Alzheimer first presented the clinical and pathological features of an unusual brain disease at his seminal lecture in Tübingen. The patient, Auguste Deter, suffered memory loss, disorientation, hallucinations and died at an early age of 55.
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Original Article
Multimodal prehabilitation before major abdominal surgery: A retrospective study
Ageing is one of the biggest public health concerns of the 21st century, presenting a challenge to the practice of medicine globally. As the Singapore population ages, research is needed to refine our knowledge in the care of older persons and the frail, so that better methods of care...
Original Article
Resource Consumption in Hospitalised, Frail Older Patients
The number of older adults in Singapore has been steadily increasing over the years and will continue to do so. In 2007, older adults aged 65 years and above accounted for 8.5% of the total population and by the year 2030, it is estimated that this group will account...
Original Article
Validity and Reliability of the Zarit Burden Interview in Assessing Caregiving Burden
Dementia is a growing public health issue in the Asia-Pacific region. The number of people with dementia in the Asia-Pacific region will increase from 13.7 million people in 2005 to 64.6 million people in 2050.
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Original Article
Validity and Reliability of the Expectations Regarding Aging (ERA-12) Instrument among Middle-Aged Singaporeans
With increasing life expectancy and low fertility rates, the proportion of the elderly is rapidly increasing in developed nations, Singapore being no exception. The elderly (over 65 years) population in Singapore is expected to grow from 7.2% in 2000 to 18.4% by 2030.
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Original Article
Junior Doctors’ Attitudes Towards Older Adults and its Correlates in a Tertiary-care Public Hospital
Singapore is a rapidly ageing society. The proportion of older persons above the age of 65 was 6.8% of the population in 1995 and is projected to increase to 20% by the year 2030. The medical community is also faced with a similar problem in caring for an ageing...
Original Article
A Subacute Model of Geriatric Care for Frail Older Persons: The Tan Tock Seng Hospital Experience
The number of persons aged over 65 will increase from 8.4% in 2005 to 18.7% in 2030, which translates to absolute numbers of 296,900 in 2005 to 873,300 of older persons in Singapore by 2030. The life expectancy at birth has also increased from 79.1 years (2003) to 80.6...
Successful Ageing in Singapore—A Viable Goal?
Ageing is a complex process. Achieving it successfully has implications and significance not only for individuals on a personal level but for society at large, where demographic
changes and population consequences pose significant clinical and public health issues.
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Original Article
Unipolar versus Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty for Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures in the Elderly: Is There a Difference?
Hip hemiarthoplasties are commonly performed for displaced femoral neck fractures. The advantages of hemiarthroplasty over internal fixation include earlier mobility, less reoperations and better functional outcome at 1 year.
Considerable differences of opinion exists regarding the choice between unipolar and bipolar designs. The main theoretical advantage of a bipolar over...
Letter to the Editor
Diagnosing Bacteraemia Early in Older Adults
Sepsis is a prevalent and important cause of morbidity and mortality in the general population. Approximately 750,000 patients in the United States alone develop severe sepsis each year. Of this, more than 60% are patients older than 65 years. Morbidity and mortality remain high in spite of advances in...
Original Article
Anti-BP180 NC16A IgG Titres as an Indicator of Disease Activity and Outcome in Asian Patients with Bullous Pemphigoid
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is a subepidermal blistering dermatosis characterised by circulating autoantibodies targeting BP180 and BP230 hemidesmosomal proteins. Anti-BP180 NC16A IgG antibodies have been demonstrated to be directly pathogenic in blister formation. Anti-BP180 IgG titres were noted to parallel disease activity in several case series, as well as reflect...
A Decade of Progress in the Understanding, Prevention and Treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration in Singapore
The year 2014 had marked the 10th anniversary of the nationwide Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Week in Singapore.1 This public health campaign, organised annually since 2005, aims to generate awareness and understanding of AMD by promoting the importance of education, early detection, and knowledge of treatment and rehabilitation...
Evidence-balanced Medicine: “Real” Evidence-based Medicine in the Elderly
Case 1: An 85-year-old male with past history of hypertension is otherwise healthy and enjoys his daily walks and good food. During a health screening, he was found to be hyperlipidaemic (LDL 3.4 mmol/L; HDL 1.0 mmol/L). He was started on simvastatin 20 mg nocte by his physician. He...
Prehabilitation and Its Role in Geriatric Surgery
The population in Singapore is ageing rapidly. According to statistics, by 2030, 1 in 2 adults in Singapore will be >65 years old. As the life expectancy of the population has improved significantly in the past few decades, a substantial portion of this rapidly ageing population will place a...
Estimating the impact of COVID-19-induced coagulopathy
The current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has exerted significant strain on healthcare worldwide. Mostly asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 is described as a thrombo-inflammatory syndrome,1 with severe respiratory illness occurring in about 13% of affected patients. This can rapidly transform into a life-threatening condition in...
Tackling osteoporosis and fragility fractures in Singapore
A shift in worldwide population ageing demographics has occurred in the 21st century. The longevity miracle is most keenly felt in Singapore, a young nation which gained its independence only in 1965, but has one of the fastest growing ageing populations in the world. It is estimated that by...
Original Article
Nation-Wide Observational Study of Cardiac Arrests Occurring in Nursing Homes and Nursing Facilities in Singapore
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a significant public health problem in Singapore and from around the world. Between 2010–12, local OHCA patients with a witnessed arrest and shockable rhythm had a survival-to-hospital discharge rate of 11.0%. Treatment of OHCA patients is resource-intensive since it requires invasive interventions and potentially...