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Retrospective analysis of neonates born after assisted reproductive technology and admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit

Dear Editor, There are limited studies evaluating neonatal outcomes after assisted reproductive technology (ART) in Asia, especially Southeast Asia, hence this study aimed to fill this gap in literature. We conducted a retrospective study on a group of neonates conceived via ART performed at the National University Hospital (NUH),...

Diagnosis and management of polycystic ovary syndrome: Perspectives of clinicians in Singapore

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder estimated to affect 4–21% of women, depending on the diagnostic criteria used.1 Clinical manifestations of the syndrome are varied, and multiple parameters are needed for its diagnosis.2,3 This complicates the diagnosis of PCOS and may cause patient dissatisfaction arising from delayed...

A New Population-based Reference for Gestational Age-specific Size-at-birth of Singapore Infants

Size-at-birth (birth weight, length and head circumference) is a simple clinical measure that is of importance to both neonatologists and obstetricians. It is commonly used in clinical practice to assess neonatal health. Birth weight and length have been demonstrated to be strong determinants of perinatal morbidity and survival; they...

Obstetricians, Perhaps It’s Time to Change Lenses

Times have changed. Maternal mortality rates at the start of the 1900s were around 1 in 100 live births in the best maternity institutions. This has declined by around 3 orders of magnitude in the last 100 years to about 3 in 100,000 live births in places like Singapore. Perinatal...

Are Pregnant Women Adequately Equipped for Autonomy in Pregnancy Screening?

The concept of first trimester screening (FTS) to evaluate the risk of fetal aneuploidies was first introduced in 1997 by Orlandi et al. The Fetal Medicine Foundation, London, has refined and populated this screening test that uses a combination of maternal age, nuchal translucency (NT) thickness and biochemical markers,...

Prenatal Diagnosis of Chromosomal Abnormalities—Shifting Paradigm

It is very likely that in 10 years time, invasive prenatal diagnostic tests like amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) will join the club of forgotten obstetric procedures like vaginal breech delivery and rotational forceps delivery. In 1968, Henry Nadler1 and his team were the first to report prenatal...

Importance of antenatal blood group typing and antibody screening in non-ABO/Rh haemolytic disease of the newborn

Haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) is a severe, potentially fatal alloimmune condition where maternal antibodies are produced, transported across the placenta and react against fetal red blood cell (RBC) antigens, resulting in varying degrees of haemolytic anaemia. Although ABO and Rhesus D (RhD) incompatibility is responsible...