• Vol. 27 No. 2, 204–209
  • 15 March 1998

A Retrospective Review of Patients with Clinically Definite Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an uncommon disease in Singapore. We retrospectively reviewed our experience from a large single medical institution to identify prominent clinical features and forms of this disease. Of the 21 patients entered into the study, 10 patients developed optic-spinal symptoms over the course of their illness. None of these patients with optic-spinal symptoms had Devic’s disease. Unusual clinical manifestations included paroxysmal symptoms either at presentation or during the course of their illness in 3 patients. While cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands were present in only 4 patients, the majority of patients had abnormal neurophysiology and neuroimaging studies. Due to the presence of autoimmune markers in a significant number of cases, we recommend that as part of the initial evaluation for MS, an underlying collagen vascular disorder should be excluded.

Genetic susceptibility and environmental factors influence the prevalence and clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis (MS). Since MS is rare in Southeast Asia, descriptions of this disease particularly as it occurs in Singapore have been sparse.

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