• Vol. 38 No. 2, 121–124
  • 15 February 2009

An Observational, Prospective Study to Determine the Ease of Vascular Access in Adults Using a Novel Intraosseous Access Device


Introduction: Intraosseous access is an alternative to conventional intravenous access when access is difficult or impossible in the adult population. The EZ-IOTM is a novel intraosseous access device designed for use in adults, utilising a powered driver. Materials and Methods: A prospective, observational study involving a convenience sample of 25 medical students, physicians and nursing staff recruited as study subjects to secure intraosseous access using the EZIOTM powered drill device, on a bone model. Results: Twenty-three (92%) of the 25 study subjects required only 1 attempt at placing the EZ-IOTM. There were 24 (96%) successful placements of the EZ-IOTM. The average time taken to place the EZ-IOTM was 13.9 seconds. Twenty (87%) of 23 participants reported easier placement with the EZ-IOTM than an intravenous cannula. The average time taken for the physicians, nursing staff and medical students was 3.71 (± SD 1.70) seconds, 7.88 (± SD 4.02) seconds and 33.7 (24.5), respectively. Overall mean difficulty of insertion score (VAS) was 3.1 (± SD 1.9). Conclusion: The intraosseous access device evaluated in this study appears to be easy to use with high success rates of insertion with inexperienced participants. There is potential for use in the Emergency Department.

Intravascular access is a vital component of emergency care and resuscitation. There is nothing more frustrating for the emergency physician than the inability to administer fluids or medications just because of the inability to obtain intravascular access. Rapidly securing vascular access will allow for the administration of fluids, pressor agents or other drugs. Insertion of an intravenous cannula may be a considerable challenge in the presence of shock or intravascular volume depletion, causing peripheral shutdown. Although other potential routes to obtain vascular access are available, for example central venous access, they can be time-consuming to establish.

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