Introduction: Autosomal dominant chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) without endocrinopathy (OMIM 114580) is a well-described entity. The associations recorded with this disorder to date are intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) deficiency and hyper-immuno-globulin E syndrome. Clinical Picture: We report a new association in a family (mother and non-identical twin sons) where acne rosacea is a prominent feature together with CMC. In addition, antibodies to thyroid microsomal and antiparietal cell were also isolated. The autoantibodies might be associated with a current “latent” endocrinopathy in particular autoimmune thyroiditis. Treatment: The patient was treated with intermittent pulses of itraconazole for the candidiasis and doxycycline initially before being substituted with isotretinoin 6 months later for the rosacea. Outcome: The patient’s candidiasis responded well and has been in remission for 3 months while his rosacea continues to improve.
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is a rare disorder characterised by chronic and recurrent infections, predominantly caused by Candida albicans affecting the mucous membranes, nails and skin. Other species of the Candida genusare occasional causative agents. Infections with other bacteria and dermatophytes can also occur. The infection is usually localised and there is no tendency towards systemic dissemination.
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