• Vol. 53 No. 1, 63–64
  • 30 January 2024

Board of Reviewers 2023

Our sincere thanks to the following peer reviewers who completed and returned their reviews between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023. Your expertise and time generously given have been major factors in maintaining the Annals’ high standards. We apologise if we have inadvertently omitted any names. Please inform the Editorial Office if we have done so.

The Annals Reviewers Awards give special recognition to reviewers for both quality and number of reviews, adherence to the Annals’ guidelines (in particular, being fair and supportive to authors), and providing helpful advice to the Editorial Board.

In 2023, the Gold Reviewers completed 6 or more reviews and the Silver Reviewer completed 5 reviews. They are:

SOONG John Tshon Yit
HO Lai Yun
TAMBYAH Paul Anantharajah

CHOW Khuan Yew

We also thank the following reviewers who completed 3 or more reviews:

AW Derrick Chen-Wee
CHAN Daisy Kwai Lin
CHAN Daniel
CHEAH Fook-Choe
CHEE Yen Lin
CHONG Chia Yin
CHOO Jason
CHOW Angela
CHUNG Man Ho Martin
COVE Matthew Edward
FUNG Jeffrey Hin Tat
GAN Wee Hoe
GIGLIO Mariateresa
HAO Fengyi
HO Cyrus
HWANG William Ying Khee
KHOO Zi Xean
KOH Choong Hou
LEE Chien-Chang
LIM Erle Chuen Hian
NGEOW Joanne Yuen Yie
OH Choon Chiat
SEWA Duu Wen
TAN Rayner Kay Jin
TAN Addy Yong Hui
TEO Yik Ying
TING Simon Kang-Seng
WALSH Stewart R