In response to the demands of an ageing nation, the postgraduate medical education in Singapore is currently in the early stage of transition into the American-styled residency programme. This study assessed the expectations of both radiology trainees and faculty on their ideal clinical learning environment (CLE) which facilitates the programme development. A modified 23-item questionnaire was administered to both trainees and faculty at a local training hospital. All items were scored according to their envisioned level of importance and categorised into 5 main CLE domains—supervision, formal training programme, work-based learning, social atmosphere and workload. ‘Supervision’ was identified as the most important domain of the CLE by both trainees and faculty, followed by ‘formal training programmes’, ‘work-based learning’ and ‘social atmosphere’. ‘Workload’ was rated as the least important domain. For all domains, the reported expectation between both trainees and faculty respondents did not differ significantly. Intragroup comparison also showed no significant difference within each group of respondents. This study has provided valuable insights on both respondents’ expectations on their ideal CLE that can best train competency in future radiologists. Various approaches to address these concerns were also discussed. The similarities in findings between ours and previous studies suggest that the ‘supervision’, ‘formal training programmes’ and ‘work-based learning’ domains are crucial for the success of a postgraduate medical training and should be emphasised in future curriculum. ‘Workload’ remains a challenge in postgraduate medical training, but attempts to address this will have an impact in future radiology training.
Postgraduate medical education in Singapore is currently in a state of transition from a British “apprenticeship” model, to an American-styled residency programme accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-International (ACGME-I). This is in response to the healthcare demands of an ageing and increasing population, where it is hoped that the structured competency-based programme will help to produce more specialists within a fixed period of time, without compromising the quality of training provided.
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