Background: Computer-based testing (CBT) has become increasingly popular as a testing modality in under- and postgraduate medical education. Since 2004, our medical school has utilised CBT to conduct 2 papers for the third- and final-year assessments - Paper 3, with 30 multiple choice questions featuring clinical vignettes, and the modified essay question (MEQ) paper.
Aims: To obtain feedback from final-year students on their preferred mode of testing for Paper 3 and MEQ components of the Medicine track examination, and the reasons underlying their preferences. Methods: An online survey was carried out on 213 final-year undergraduates, in which they were asked to provide feedback on Paper 3 and MEQ papers. Students were asked if they thought that the CBT format was preferable to the pen-and-paper (PNP) format for Paper 3 and the MEQ, and why. Results: One hundred and fourteen out of 213 (53.5%) students completed the online survey. For Paper 3, 91 (79.8%) felt that CBT was preferable to PNP, 11 (9.6%) preferred the PNP format and 12 (10.5%) were unsure. For the MEQ, 62 (54.4%) preferred CBT over PNP, 30 (26.3%) preferred the PNP format and 22 (19.3%) were unsure. Reasons given to explain preference for CBT over PNP for Paper 3 included independence from seating position, better image quality (as images were shown on personal computer screens instead of projected onto a common screen) and the fact that CBT allowed them to proceed at their own pace. For the MEQ, better image quality, neater answer scripts and better indication of answer length in CBT format were cited as reasons for their preference. Conclusions: Our survey indicated that whereas the majority of students preferred CBT over PNP for Paper 3, a smaller margin had the same preference for the MEQ.Computer-based testing (CBT) has gained popularity as a testing modality, with large-scale professional examinations such as the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) adopting a CBT format since 1999, replacing the written pen-and-paper (PNP) format. Studies have found that testing format does not affect test scores, and that CBT offers several advantages over PNP testing, viz convenience of scheduling and the ability to score exam papers instantly (when applied to multiple choice questions) and enhanced security.
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