• Vol. 48 No. 2, 63–66
  • 15 February 2019

Deformity Correction Using the “Sandwich” Technique for a Non-Union Hoffa Fracture

Fredrich Busch was the first author to describe a coronal plane fracture of the lateral femoral condyle. It was, however, Albert Hoffa who was credited with discovering this fracture. Recent recommendations have been made to rename isolated, intra-articular, coronal plane fractures of the distal femur, or the “Hoffa fracture” to “Busch-Hoffa fractures”.1 These fractures have been reported to more commonly involve the lateral side.2 The configuration of this fracture causes it to be inherently unstable; hence poor outcome is usual with non-operative management, with malunion being recognised as a common late complication even after surgical management.2,3,4,5 This paper discusses the case of a young adult male presenting with a grade II (Letenneur classification)9 Hoffa fracture—his management, complications and outcomes.

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