• Vol. 28 No. 4, 600–601
  • 15 July 1999

Embolisation of a Leaking Pseudoaneurysm of the Main Artery Supplying a Replanted Arm: A Case Report


A 51-year-old patient suffered a near amputation of the right arm. Replant of the arm was performed and the brachial artery was grafted with a vein. A week later, there was severe bleeding from a leaking pseudoaneurysm at the proximal junction of the grafted artery. This was managed with embolisation using coils and resulted in successful obliteration of the pseudoaneurysm without necrosis of the replanted arm.

Pseudoaneurysms are conventionally treated by surgery. In recent years, non-surgical methods are being considered, including embolisation with wires, coils or gelfoam and anticoagulation.

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