• Vol. 30 No. 6, 664–667
  • 15 November 2001

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Presenting with Chronic Actinic Dermatitis: A Case Report


Introduction: We describe a case illustrating a rare but increasingly recognised association of chronic actinic dermatitis (CAD) with human imunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

Clinical Picture: A 40-year-old Chinese man of skin type III presented with a photodistributed rash of 3 years’ duration. Histology, phototesting and subsequent clinical course were consistent with CAD. HIV serology was positive. CD4 count was 26 cells/μL, with absence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining illnesses.

Treatment: Topical steroids, sunprotection and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole prophylaxis were prescribed.

Outcome: Improvement was documented over the arms, but the facial plaques persisted.

Conclusion: CAD may be a presenting feature of advanced HIV infection.

A 40-year-old Chinese man of skin phototype III (Table I), formerly a welder in a shipyard, presented with pruritic papules on his face, neck and arms of 3 years’ duration. He had noted sun-aggravation and had ceased working for 3 months.

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