Diastolic Heart Failure: What, So What and Now What?
Until two decades ago, the notion that heart failure (HF) could occur in the presence of normal ejection fraction (EF) was met with great skepticism. While most physicians could recall encounters with hypertensive elderly ladies in acute pulmonary oedema despite a normal EF, it was not until large epidemiologic...
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Seroepidemiology of Dengue Virus Infection Among Adults in Singapore
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease endemic in Singapore as well as in the surrounding Southeast Asian countries.1 It is a re-emerging disease of concern.2 Although Singapore has a well-established nationwide Aedes mosquito control programme that includes source reduction, public health education and law enforcement since the 1970s,...
Original Article
Where the Elderly Die: The Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors and Cause of Death on People Dying at Home
The subject of place of death was brought to the forefront of the medical community in July 2004 when 2 important publications were released; one by the World Health Organization1 and another from the House of Commons Select Committee on Health.2 Both reports highlighted that the proportion of deaths...
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A Report from the Singapore Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (SG-CCSS): A Multi-institutional Collaborative Study on Long-term Survivors of Childhood Cancer, Initial Analysis Reporting for the SG-CCSS
Worldwide, the survival rates among childhood cancer patients are increasing. Thus, assessing the risk of late effects and complications are increasingly becoming more important.
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An Update of Paediatric Intussusception Incidence in Singapore: 1997-2007, 11 Years of Intussusception Surveillance
This is an update to the previously published paper by Boudville et al1 on 8 years of intussusception (IS) surveillance in Singapore. IS is a rare but serious gastrointestinal disease in infants and young children.2,3 The focus on natural rotavirus infection as a potential cause of IS followed the...