Bridging the Gap between Primary and Specialist Care: Formidable Challenges Ahead
The strong guiding hand and deep pockets of the state have brought about the growth of hospitals and national specialist centres while leaving the primary care sector largely to free market forces. Thus, it is not surprising that the evolution of Singapore’s healthcare system has largely favoured specialisation and...
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Public Perceptions of Healthcare in Singapore
Healthcare is increasingly dominating the policy agenda in developed countries. In the United States, healthcare has been ranked only behind the war in Iraq as the issue the American public would “most like the president and Congress to act on next year”, while 19% of Canadians deemed healthcare the...
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Concerns, Perceived Impact and Preparedness in an Avian Influenza Pandemic – a Comparative Study between Healthcare Workers in Primary and Tertiary Care
The danger posed by emerging infectious diseases has become greater in the past few years with the World Health Organization (WHO) warning that the threat of an avian influenza (AI) pandemic is imminent. Healthcare institutions are expected to be key players during a pandemic, with healthcare workers (HCWs) at...
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Pattern and Outcome of Subsidised Referrals to Cardiology Specialist Outpatient Clinics
Singapore faces an increasing demand for public healthcare from an ageing population in need of chronic care. At our cardiology specialist outpatient clinics, the volume of new cardiology subsidised outpatients has increased at an average of 12.8% per annum for the past 10 years.
This article is available only as...
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Consequences of Right Siting of Endocrinology Patients – A Financial and Caseload Simulation
Right siting, defined as “patients treated in the most appropriate locations by medically competent teams at the lower possible cost”, has been on the national healthcare agenda for a number of years, even meriting mention and discussion in the Singapore Parliament. Internationally, the term “appropriate siting” is more commonly...