Calculated Overhaul Versus Cultivating the Status Quo in Clinical Education
In an era of rapid healthcare evolution, complex challenges abound from changes in patient demographics, diseases, demand and delivery; to cost, technology, and setting. Such transformations, bound by political, socioeconomic, cultural, and countless other hurdles, cannot be systematically and strategically met by a workforce whose pedagogy and preparation was...
Good Sleep and Good Health are Natural Bed Partners
Sleep is time consuming. We spend nearly one-third of our lives asleep, but for what purpose? This is an important question to reflect upon, whether you are a scientist, philosopher, or a person who simply wants to know how to better spend his time. Sleep is generally considered a...
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Post Community Hospital Discharge Rehabilitation Attendance: Self-Perceived Barriers and Participation Over Time
As Singapore faces a rapidly ageing population, the national burden of long-term disability is expected to correspondingly increase. Post-discharge rehabilitation of the newly disabled adults, especially during the subacute phase after an acute disabling event where functional recovery is most likely, is an important strategy to reduce the prevalence...
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Single Mothers Have a Higher Risk of Mood Disorders
Changing family structures over the last few decades have led to the emergence of the single parent household as a common “alternative” family form. Similar to the trend in other parts of the world, Asian societies too are facing an increasing number of single-parent households. Single-mother families are of...
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Immunophenotypic, Cytogenetic and Clinical Features in Chinese Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) Patients
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is a malignant disease resulting from the accumulation of genetic alterations of B or T lymphoid precursor cells. Immunophenotyping, cytogenetic-molecular studies, and more recently, high resolution genome-wide screening are characterising ALL as a heterogeneous disease with distinct manifestations and prognostic and therapeutic implications. Of the...