Neuro-oncology at the Crossroads
The notion of a tumour in the brain is a most terrifying prospect for most individuals and many physicians. Yet brain tumour is the second most common form of malignancy in childhood, and accounts for the 3rd or 4th most frequent cause of cancer death among middle-aged adults. More...
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Multivoxel MR Spectroscopic Imaging – Distinguishing Intracranial Tumours from Non-neoplastic Disease
The presence of focal intracranial disease may be due to a variety of diseases, including primary neoplasm, metastatic tumour, abscess, subacute infarction and developmental anomalies. It is important to distinguish tumours from non-neoplastic mimics as the appropriate treatment is very different in each pathology. Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)...
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Epidemiology, Management and Treatment Outcome of Medulloblastoma in Singapore
Medulloblastoma (MBL) is the most common type of malignant brain tumour in childhood. It belongs to the group of tumours known as primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET), which is a highly malignant, small round blue cell tumour of the central nervous system. The term “medulloblastoma” is classically reserved for PNETs...
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Anaesthetic Management of Awake Craniotomy for Tumour Resection
Historically, surgery for intractable epilepsy was performed with the patient awake for at least some part of the procedure to facilitate cortical mapping and satisfactory, safe excision of the epileptogenic focus. Awake craniotomy for resection of brain tumours is a less common but increasingly performed operation. While the availability...
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Awake Craniotomy Under Local Anaesthesia and Monitored Conscious Sedation for Resection of Brain Tumours in Eloquent Cortex – Outcomes in 20 Patients
The aims of surgical management in the resection of brain tumours are to obtain an accurate histological diagnosis, achieve maximal resection with minimal morbidity, relieve intracranial hypertension and improve neurological symptoms. Mass lesions in close proximity to eloquent cortex represent a significant surgical challenge and the surgeon has to...