Internal Medicine
It has taken a long time to plan for this November issue in Internal Medicine. The topic is so wide and often neglected as the specialties take prominence.
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Review Article
New Aspects of the Blood Coagulation Cascade, Anticoagulants and Vein Thrombosis in Asia
Injury to blood vessels triggers haemostasis, a process that has evolved to achieve two superficially incompatible outcomes: arresting blood loss while protecting vessel patency and blood flow to distal organs. Contributors to haemostasis include subendothelial tissues and endothelial cells, blood platelets, tissue factor, plasma clotting factors and their physiological...
Review Article
Recent Advances in the Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea Syndrome
The past decade has seen a rapid increase in the number of patients being referred for investigation for the obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS). Indeed, in many centres, possible OSAHS is now the most common respiratory referral and OSAHS is the most common outpatient respiratory diagnosis.
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Review Article
Immunotherapy in Autoimmune Diseases
In the early 1700s, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, wife of the British ambassador to Turkey, introduced the practice of variolation against smallpox into Western Europe. This act of immunisation had since been better understood.
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Review Article
Leveraging on Information Technology to Enhance Patient Care: A Doctor’s Perspective of Implementation in a Singapore Academic Hospital
Information technology (IT) has become truly pervasive in everyday life; however, in the field of medicine, we have yet to fully harness its full potential in the care of our patients. Most restructured hospitals in Singapore have been wired up with fast local area networks (LAN) and desktop personal...