Responding to the Challenge of Multimorbidity in People with Serious Mental Illness
A consequence of the ageing population and the ever expanding range of life-prolonging medical advances is the increase in the number of people with 2 or more co-occurring
disorders, commonly referred to as multimorbidity which is an emerging public health challenge. The increase in the number of chronic disorders within...
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Prevailing Attitudes Towards Cancer: A Multicultural Survey in a Tertiary Outpatient Setting
Culture, a complex of “ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society”, influences lifestyle practices as well as emotional, cognitive and social responses to cancer. In our tertiary urological practice, we often encounter patients who are fearful of cancer or dealing with the anxiety of a...
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Demographics and Behaviour of Patients with Contact Lens-Related Infectious Keratitis in Singapore
Contact lenses (CL) are a convenient method of correcting refractive error, and offer many advantages over spectacles. However, CL wear has its complications, which may be severe, resulting in vision loss. CL-related microbial keratitis is one of the most severe complications as it can lead to corneal scarring or...
Original Article
A Pre-post Evaluation of an Ambulatory Nutrition Support Service for Malnourished Patients Post Hospital Sischarge: A Pilot Study
Malnutrition is common among hospitalised patients, with a prevalence ranging from 20% to 50%. Poor nutrition results in a range of negative clinical, functional and systemic outcomes. Malnutrition markedly increases morbidity and mortality in both acute and chronic diseases, of which trauma and heart failure are examples of each...
Original Article
Socio-demographic Correlates of Positive Mental Health and Differences by Depression and Anxiety in an Asian Community Sample
In the past, the study of mental health status and indicators was restricted to the medical perspective of understanding and establishing the prevalence and risk factors of mental
illness in the population. In 1996, Keith Tudor defined mental health as a positive concept and separated it from mental illness and...