• Vol. 36 No. 7
  • 15 July 2007

Message From the Director of Medical Services, Ministry of Health, Singapore

Congratulations to the Academy of Medicine on this special occasion of its Golden Jubilee. The Academy has come a long way since the 1950s when it was first set up, and against the odds it has grown with strength from year to year to become an institution for those who wish to further the cause of medicine, especially in the areas of continuing professional development, postgraduate medical education, research, ethics and professionalism. Its comprehensive colleges and chapters, and their bountiful membership of specialists lay testimony to this very fact. Our path ahead runs smoother only because it is being built on the excellent work of our predecessors; and we owe much to their toil and dedication. This year makes a good milestone, an excellent vantage point from which to see how far we have come, and just how much more we have to travel.

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