Introduction: We portray and discuss a case of lateral sinus thrombosis following acute otitis media and mastoiditis.
Clinical Picture: The patient presented with otorrhoea, otalgia, neck pain, fever and chills. Treatment: Cortical mastoidectomy was performed. Intravenous antibiotics and heparin were administered. Outcome: The patient had a complete recovery with no sequelae. Conclusions: Neurotologic complications of suppurative otitis media like meningitis, cerebral abscess, extradural abscess and dural sinus thrombosis are rare in the antibiotic era. Hence, doctors today have to maintain extra vigilance and a high index of suspicion for such complications.A 16-year-old boy, with a background history of beta-thalassaemia intermedia, splenectomy and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, was referred to our otolaryngological clinic for right otalgia following an episode of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). He had hearing loss with tinnitus in the right ear, nasal obstruction with greenish nasal discharge and cough.
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