• Vol. 32 No. 5, 676–684
  • 15 September 2003

Public Disclosure of Healthcare Performance Information and Its Application to the Singapore Context


The increasing worldwide trend towards publicly and actively disclosing healthcare provider performance information requires that healthcare professionals in Singapore understand the relevant issues and implications. The current evidence suggests that there needs to be caution in any related move here in Singapore, since the benefits have not been entirely established and the associated problems not inconsequential. This article identifies public accountability and the commercial need to demonstrate value as possibly the main drivers for local public disclosure. It concludes that a proper needs analysis and true stakeholder involvement are necessary in contemplating such an initiative locally.

It has been said that apart from the prevention of diseases, the best chance of improving health is through improving the quality of care delivered to patients.1 The public disclosure of healthcare performance information is a phenomenon that has come to the fore in the United States (US) and in several developed countries.

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