Introduction: Medical publication continues to be important to academicians, physicians in private practice, researchers and corporate sponsors. This article provides valuable dos and don’ts for authors. Materials and Methods: Literature review and personal experience of the author. Results: Advice is provided for understanding the publishing world, the peer-review process, duplicate publication, authorship, and dos and don’ts for successful authors. Conclusions: Publishing is a competitive art and science. The key to success is the submission of a proper manuscript that contains important, new, scientific information of value to the readers.
The interest in medical publication continues to grow each year, and one of the reasons is that publications in highly regarded journals with rigorous peer-review processes provide the most reliable information for the management of our patients. In addition, for academic faculty, the quality and number of publications is at the core of one’s reputation and promotion. The phrase “publish or perish” has kept its place in academe through decades of enormous change in other features of academic life.
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