The Chapter of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (O&G), started by a pioneering group of nine O&G specialists in 1969, had as its main objectives of encouraging postgraduate training, education and research. In the years that followed, continued medical education and professional development played an important aspects of the Chapter's activities, in close collaboration with our sister societies and organisations. Close regional and international links were also made and renowned Visiting Fellows/Academicians from overseas were invited by the Chapter to speak and participate in academic activities. The Academy of Medicine took a momentous step in March 2004 to transform Chapters into autonomous Colleges. The College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Singapore was officially inaugurated on 14 August 2004. In the tradition of its predecessor, the College continues to involve itself in training, continued medical education and examination activities. This also included producing consensus guidelines and distance learning programmes for the purpose of achieving best practices. An important milestone was the signing of the MOU on 3 September 2005 for the conjoint MRCOG/MMed examination between the RCOG and the College of O&G, Singapore. The first conjoint MRCOG/MMed examination was held on 8 May 2006. The College is well poised to address the challenges ahead including keeping the high standards of practice and ensuring that every practitioner maintain competence in his practice.
The Chapter of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (O&G) was inaugurated in 1969 by the Master of the Academy, Dr NC Tan. It was started by a group of nine O&G specialists who were committed to continuing medical education. They had the foresight and vision to develop and encourage postgraduate training, education and research within Singapore and the region. The other primary concern then was the training of new specialists towards the Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology [MMed (O&G)].
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