• Vol. 34 No. 6, 87C–89C
  • 15 July 2005

The Teaching of Pathology


A/Professor Chong Siew Meng relates the teaching of Pathology in the Medical School since 1905. The Pathology Department of the College of Medicine is closely associated with the Department of Pathology of the Government Medical Service. Pathologists in the Government Medical Service taught medical students till 1955 when the chair of Pathology was filled by Professor R Kirts. Undergraduates and postgraduate teaching and research in the department are described briefly. [The Editors]

The teaching of Pathology began in 1905 with the founding of the King Edward VII College of Medicine. There was no Chair of Pathology and Dr GA Finlayson, the Government Pathologist, was appointed to head the department. This arrangement functioned satisfactorily and was continued even after the Chair of Pathology was created after the First World War.

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