Most medical treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis are inhibitors of bone resorption and urinary Deoxypyridinoline (D-Pyr) has been shown to be a reliable indicator of bone resorption. Fifty-one healthy women were divided into four groups. Group A: premenopausal women (n = 10), Group B: postmenopausal women, no osteoporosis, not on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) (n = 14), Group C: postmenopausal women, osteoporotic, not on HRT (n = 12), and Group D: postmenopausal women on HRT (n = 15). Fasting urine was collected and sampled for D-Pyr using Pyrilinks-D Kit (Metra Biosystems). Urinary D-Pyr was calculated in nM/creatinine mM. There was a significant difference between premenopausal and postmenopausal urinary D-Pyr showing a higher value of D-Pyr during menopause. Urinary D-Pyr results of postmenopausal women on HRT and premenopausal women showed no difference. Hence D-Pyr may be useful for the monitoring of hormonal treatment of postmenopausal bone loss.
Postmenopausal osteoporosis is the most common cause of osteoporosis. It is heralded by the cessation of oestrogen production by the ovaries resulting in at least 10% to 15% bone loss over the next 10 to 15 years from menopause.
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