A review of mediastinal masses in children is important for several reasons. First, the mediastinum is the common location for thoracic masses in children. Second, the type and frequency of masses differ in children compared with adults. Third, anatomic variations can be misinterpreted as mediastinal masses. Lastly, there are special technical considerations for imaging mediastinal masses in children. This article is derived from a literature review and the author’s personal experience with imaging mediastinal masses. Figures are used to illustrate the spectrum of lesions in the anterior, middle and posterior mediastinum in children. Familiarity with the types of masses, frequency of presentation and imaging features are extremely valuable in determining the appropriate subsequent care for the child.
A review of mediastinal masses in children, emphasising imaging features, is important for several reasons. Firstly, the mediastinum is the most common location for thoracic masses in children.
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