Original Article
Epidemiology and Control of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Singapore, 2001-2007
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common childhood viral infection, which is typically mild and self-limiting. It is characterised by a brief prodromal fever, followed by pharyngitis, mouth ulcers and rash on the hands and feet. The disease is caused by numerous members of the Enterovirus genus...
HIV: Time for the Medical Community to Move Forward
1 December 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. The HIV epidemic was first recognised in 1981.
Twenty-seven years on, there are 33 million people living with HIV worldwide. Last year there were 2.7 million HIV infections and 2 million AIDS-related death. In Asia, an estimated 5 million...
Original Article
Trends in Long-term Cancer Survival in Singapore: 1968-2002
With increasing health awareness and the greater extent of healthcare provision over the years, the life expectancy of Singaporeans has increased from 75.3 in 1990 to 78.4 in 2001. This suggests that cancer patients are surviving longer than before, due to an increasing number of delayed cancer deaths. Hence,...
Original Article
An Observational, Prospective Study to Determine the Ease of Vascular Access in Adults Using a Novel Intraosseous Access Device
Intravascular access is a vital component of emergency care and resuscitation. There is nothing more frustrating for the emergency physician than the inability to administer fluids or medications just because of the inability to obtain intravascular access. Rapidly securing vascular access will allow for the administration of fluids, pressor...
Original Article
Junior Doctors’ Attitudes Towards Older Adults and its Correlates in a Tertiary-care Public Hospital
Singapore is a rapidly ageing society. The proportion of older persons above the age of 65 was 6.8% of the population in 1995 and is projected to increase to 20% by the year 2030. The medical community is also faced with a similar problem in caring for an ageing...