Volume 45, Number 9
September 2016

Reproduced with permission from: Dr Kong Hwai Loong

“Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.”

Helen Keller  (1880 – 1968)
American author

The 2016 Outbreak of Zika in Singapore

The eponymous Zika virus (ZIKV) originated from Africa, and was discovered incidentally in rhesus macaques in the Zika forest in Uganda in 1947 as a result of Rockefeller Foundation-sponsored programmes on yellow fever. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the...

Diabetes Health Profile-18 is Reliable, Valid and Sensitive in Singapore

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a global burden; in Asia, its prevalence will significantly increase in the next few decades. In addition, it is a chronic disease that can have profound effects on the physical, psychological and social well-being of an individual. This article is available only as a PDF....

Predictors of Acute, Rehabilitation and Total Length of Stay in Acute Stroke: A Prospective Cohort Study

Stroke is a major cause of morbidity and disability worldwide. It is also the most common diagnosis for inpatient rehabilitation admission in Singapore and many developed countries. Stroke comprises up to 4% of the direct costs of healthcare in developed countries due to its substantial physical, social and economic...

Quality of Life in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Role for Oxygen Desaturation Indices?

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a disease with significant morbidity affecting up to 10% of adults.1 It is characterised by recurrent episodes of upper airway obstruction, leading to oxygen desaturations, arousals and sleep fragmentation. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to...

A Brief History of the Biology of Sleep

Glaswegian physician, Dr Robert Macnish, was half right when he stated in ‘The Philosophy of Sleep’ that “sleep exists in two states; in the complete and incomplete.” His postulation that incomplete sleep was “the active state of one or more of the cerebral organs while the remainder are in repose”...


Board of Reviewers 2024

Organ donation in the paediatric intensive care unit: Time for change?


Board of Reviewers 2024

Organ donation in the paediatric intensive care unit: Time for change?