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Volume 46, Number 9
September 2017

Reproduced with permission from: Dr Nausheen Doctor

“Like as the waves make towards the pebbl’d shore, so do our minutes, hasten to their end.”

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
English dramatist

The Ethics of Medical Education – The Ethical and Professional Issues in Teaching and Learning Medicine

A search in the medical education literature is replete with articles on how to teach and evaluate professionalism and clinical ethics to medical students and residents. There are, however, fewer articles on the ethics of medical education discussing professional and ethical principles governing the student-faculty relationship, code of professional...

Improved Survival of Advanced Lung Cancer in Singapore Over the Past Decade

Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer mortality in the world. There is a changing landscape for lung cancer globally in the last decade as the incidence of adenocarcinoma has risen substantially, with a decrease in the incidence of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and other histological subtypes of...

Mindfulness: A New Paradigm of Psychosocial Care in the Palliative Care Setting in Southeast Asia

Alleviation of suffering in palliative care needs a combination of good symptom control and psychosocial care. Psychosocial care is defined as care concerned with the psychological and emotional well-being of the patient and their family or carers, including issues of self-esteem, insight into and adaptation to the illness and...

From Bolam-Bolitho to Modified-Montgomery – A Paradigm Shift in the Legal Standard of Determining Medical Negligence in Singapore

A new legal standard has just been passed in the Singapore Court of Appeal, to determine medical negligence with regard to the provision of medical advice. All practising physicians must be aware of this landmark decision arising from a local litigation. This article is available only as a PDF. Please...

A Case of Bilateral Atypical Ulnar Fractures with Bisphosphonate Therapy in a Walking Aided Elderly

Osteoporosis is a growing problem in our ageing population. With increasing awareness of osteoporosis, it can be diagnosed and treated with first-line drugs such as bisphosphonates. This article is available only as a PDF. Please click on “Download PDF” on top to view the full article.


Board of Reviewers 2024

Organ donation in the paediatric intensive care unit: Time for change?


Board of Reviewers 2024

Organ donation in the paediatric intensive care unit: Time for change?