Volume 47, Number 2
Reproduced with permission from: Anonymous
“Not knowing when the dawn will come
I open every door.”
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
American poet
Follow-up Care and Outcome Evaluation of High-Risk Preterm Infants: A Life-Course Commitment
Neonatology can be considered as one of the most successful medical innovations of the latter half of the twentieth century. A slow, synergistic accretion of scientific and clinical insights—combined with an evolution in the way physical spaces of hospitals were built and shaped, and the elaboration and articulation of...
Original Article
Triaging Primary Care Patients Referred for Chest Pain to Specialist Cardiology Centres: Efficacy of an Optimised Protocol
Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death world-wide and constitutes 30% of total deaths in Singapore. Chest pain is a common presentation in primary care. However, only a small proportion of primary care referrals for chest pain to tertiary cardiology centres are eventually found to have significant cardiac...
Original Article
Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Premature Infants in Singapore
The survival rates for very low birthweight (VLBW) infants have increased over the last 2 decades due to advances in neonatal intensive care, changes in institutional practices at the turn of the century (including the rise in use of antenatal steroids and decrease in use of postnatal steroids), and...
Mandated Consent – Not a Viable Solution for Organ Transplant in Singapore
The last decade has seen an alarming increase in the prevalence of end-stage renal failure in Singapore, attributed to factors such as dietary and environmental triggers, improved healthcare accessibility and a rapidly ageing population. This, in turn, has contributed to a relentless increase in demand for renal transplant. As...
Letter to the Editor
A Comparison of Mandated, Presumed, and Explicit Consent Systems for Deceased Organ Donation among University Students in Singapore
Since the first transplant surgery was performed in Singapore, Parliament has passed 2 acts to facilitate organ transplants. First, in 1972, the Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act was enacted allowing individuals to opt-in for organ donation through an “explicit consent” scheme.
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Board of Reviewers