Reproduced with permission from: Anonymous
“Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom.”
Phyllis Theroux (1939- )
American author
Smoking and Electronic Cigarettes – Old Problem, New Challenges
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality worldwide. More than 1 billion deaths have been projected to be attributed to tobacco smoking in the 21st century should the current smoking trend persists.1 Its detrimental effects on health are wide-ranging: from the highly feared carcinogenic effects to...
Original Article
Use of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) to Identify Acutely Deteriorating Patients with Sepsis in Acute Medical Ward
The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) is a well established tool that is used to aid early recognition and response to clinical deterioration in patients with acute illnesses. NEWS uses a simple scoring system in which a score is assigned to physiological measurements such as respiratory rate (RR), peripheral...
Original Article
Three-Year Outcomes of Biodegradable Polymer-Coated Ultra-Thin (60 μm) Sirolimus-Eluting Stents in Real-World Clinical Practice
Coronary artery disease (CAD) has been found to be a cause of around 17.9 million global deaths per year, accounting for around 75% of deaths in developing countries.1 In the 1970s, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with balloon angioplasty was used for the management of CAD. However, due to the...
Letter to the Editor
Sports-Related Sudden Cardiac Deaths in Singapore – An Eleven-Year Review
Sports-related sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a rare but tragic event. The absolute incidence has ranged from 1/80,000 to 1/200,000—depending on the type of sport, competitive nature of the sport, geographical region and methodology used in the analysis.1-5 Amongst young athletes—arbitrarily defined as <35 years old—hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and...
Letter to the Editor
A Rare Case of Concomitant Intra-Articular and Extra-Articular Synovial Chondromatosis of the Knee Joint
Synovial chondromatosis is an uncommon metaplastic disease in which foci of ectopic cartilage develop from the synovium.1 Despite the known benign nature of this disease, loose bodies can occur when these osteo-cartilaginous lesions grow and detach from the synovium. This may result in disabling mechanical symptoms as well as...