Volume 52, Number 4
April 2023

Lifestyle modifications can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension. A Singapore study examined the association between domain-specific physical activity (e.g. work, transport and leisure) and sedentary behaviour, with T2DM and hypertension.

Individuals with more than 826 metabolic equivalent of task-minutes of leisure-related physical activity per week had lower odds of having T2DM and hypertension. Individuals with more than 8 hours of sedentary time daily had higher odds of having hypertension compared with those with 0–5 hours of sedentary time.

Health promotion strategies can emphasise for moderate levels of leisure-related physical activity, while targeting complex circumstances driving behaviours to increase physical activity.

Illustration by Xinyu Li

Promoting physical activity for population health

The chronic disease burden has risen globally. In Singapore, between 2007 and 2021, the crude prevalence of hyperlipidaemia (8.2–13.9%), hypertension (12.7–15.7%) and diabetes (4.9–6.9%) has increased.1 Based on the Global Burden of Disease Study (2019), lack of physical activity and other modifiable risk factors contribute 35% of the disability-adjusted...

Self-esteem and positive body image to overcome female sexual dysfunction

Human sexuality is arguably one of the main pillars of health, like nutrition and sleep. Improvements in diagnostic and therapeutic biotechnologies have enabled focus on not only deadly diseases, but also on the quality of life and sexual functions of men and women. Digital media also play a considerable...

Benefits of leisure-related physical activity and association between sedentary time and risk for hypertension and type 2 diabetes

Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are serious public health issues. Approximately 451 million individuals worldwide aged 18–99 years were living with diabetes in 2017, and this number is expected to increase to 693 million by 2045.1 More than 90% of all diabetes cases were type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).2 For...

Transitional care strategies at emergency department for elderly patients: A multicentre study in Singapore

In Singapore, greater efforts are being directed towards developing an integrated health and social ecosystem under the new Healthier SG strategy announced by the Ministry of Health. This life-course approach aims to promote overall healthier living in collaboration with key community partners (e.g. intermediate and long-term care service providers)...

Association between body mass index, body image and self-esteem with sexual function: A survey of young women in Singapore

Satisfaction with sexual activity is a good predictor of global life satisfaction.1 Problems with sexual function can lead to lower partner satisfaction and affect a woman’s mental and physical health.2 The prevalence of sexual dysfunction in premenopausal women globally was found to be 40.9% (95% confidence interval 37.1–44.7).3...


Periodontal disease and systemic health: An update for medical practitioners

Pericarditis and myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in a nationwide setting

Treating acutely ill patients at home: Data from Singapore